Thursday 18 March 2010

Down at the club

We finally got round to filling in the membership forms to join a boat club. As far as we can ascertain, its a good club as boat clubs go. We have been going down to the club house for a few months now and have been made most welcome by the members.  There is some good natured banter going on between river cruiser and narrow boat owners. Which is something of an enjoyable spectator sport (is there a word or collective noun for boat club gongoozeling?) and we have been joining in and enjoying the organised activities of an evening.

The club membership is made up of people from many different walks of life. The average age does tend to favour the upper end of the range. But that also brings with it a whole wealth of boating experience that we can draw upon. There is also one other significant trait that is demonstrated by everyone and that is the camaraderie that is enjoyed by all.

One thing that we will need some help with is taking the boat onto the River Trent for the first time. I am well aware of my knowledge limitations having been on the Trent in a boat that could only just make headway with the engine flat out. So I will do some reading of the various guides to the Trent and also offering some inducement to a more seasoned boater to act as pilot. But, first we thought a crew shakedown on a new boat could be done best by travelling the Fossdyke down to Boston and back.

Some feedback on Poppy the dogs, life preserver. As you will see the item we purchased on eBay has been canal tested by our dog Poppy. The device has not been tested beyond a quick ducking, but it stood up well to the mud and water. It has a small pocket where the poo bags fit, this is a bit awkward for the dog to reach, so I have been doing the poo bagging on her behalf. Here I am demonstrating the carrying handle and my multi-tasking skills by eating toast and honey at the same time. 

Poppy the dog is the one on the left.

At £14 including post and packaging. It has proved to be a very good buy. The item is machine washable, but it is best to remove the dog first.


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