GP Award

Golden Propeller
As I flutter to and fro around various canal boat blogs. I find from time to time I read something that makes me sit up and take notice or captures my imagination. It could be a funny, poignant or informative piece of blogging. Often when a particular posting catches my attention I will leave a comment, by way of an acknowledgement. There are also blogs who week in week out provide a fresh insight, give welcome hints and tips or create regular canal based entertainment. Others give a point-of-view of whatever floats the blogger boat - so to speak.

Then I had a thought, I could do what we did back in my school days.   I could recreate the star chart, not the celestial kind. No, its a star chart of a different kind. When good work in school was rewarded with a star appended to your name in a table. In my case the start table is a "Golden Propeller Award" intended to acknowledge the good work done by various inland waterway blogger's.

Now, I think that rather than me choosing the recipient, each time. It would be better to let other people also suggest suitable web and blog contributor for the award. So if you think that a certain blog is a worthy recipient for such an award. Post a message to -me here- saying why you think the award is deserved.

Andrew Denny's "Granny Buttons" blog. Ever since I first started to take an interest in canal boats the Granny Buttons blog has always been a first port of call. Always topical, thought provoking, opinionated and entertaining. A must read for anyone with an interest in the inland waterways.

Tom and Jan on Narrowboat Waiouru for their courageous blog detailing the trials and tribulations of buying a bespoke narrowboat from Harp Narrowboats. This very special couple have maintained throughout, the ordeal their dignity and resolve for justice.

Heth (Heather) on Widebeam Takey Tezey for the sometimes pithy, occasionally slapstick, often knockabout, now-and-again poignant, never boring, banter of the day to day trials about life and living on the canals.

Cap't Ahab (Andy) on Wand'ring Bark for a very interesting blog. Often reaching the parts of the old canals that no boat has reached for many years. Dedication or fixation, the cap't takes you there with words, maps and pictures. I am always surprised by how much we have lost.
