Popular Postings

Here are some of the more popular postings that have been made onto the blog over the last few years. There are many other postings that could be in this list, but it might be fun just to search through the blog and see what you find.
Some of the bad things are items that are well known on the canal. Others are me venting my spleen on a total disinterest and an appalling level of customer service by some companies who should know better.
Humour, can be both true and factual with names changed to protect the foolish. Alternatively it could be me just being a bit of a sartorial observer. I don't know what it is, but sometimes things seem so incongruous that I can't help poke a stick at them.
There are memories of my childhood and at this distance some of the facts my have been blurred by my memory. I was lucky to have been brought up by a very modern and progressive mother. With enough years between me and my siblings that I got all of her undivided attention.
There are things that relate to my interest in any gadget or new technology that comes along. there are items that have come about as I write about how I found out the information I needed to understand pieces of boating technology.
There are bits of observational stuff about our trips out onto the canals and rivers. The people we have met and the places we passed through. Knowledge of nature has been a passion of my life. You will see from my musings that I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go.
  1. Caveate Emptor Bad Things
  2. Sunday Humour
  3. In the past History
  4. Canal Rage Miscellaneous
  5. Anchors Aweigh Maintenance
  6. What's in a name Observational
