Sunday, 30 June 2013


In view of the successful transition from the old British Waterways Board into the Canal and River Trust it would be fitting if one or more of the transitional team were to be recognised for their outstanding achievements.   It's well known that anybody can recommend a British national for an honour, which could consist of an appointment to the Order of the British Empire. Nominations, can be sent either by government ministers or by members of the public. The recommendations are divided into subject areas and assessed by eight other committees comprising both senior civil servants and independent experts. 
Their assessments and deliberations are then passed to a selection committee that produces the list that is then submitted to the Queen through the office of the prime minister. The Queen formally approves the list of recipients. The honours are published in the official Crown newspaper, the London Gazette. 
Private nominations, made by individuals or by representatives of organisations to the Cabinet Office, traditionally make up about a quarter of all recommendations. There are those amongst the Canal and River Trust trustees who have been given an award in recognition for their work. including Tony Hales CBE, Lynne Berry OBE, John Bridgeman CBE and Steve Shine OBE.
Orders of the British Empire were created by King George V during the first World War to reward service by civilians at home and servicemen in support positions. The orders are now awarded mainly to civilians for public service or other distinctions and has a military and a civil division. Ranks in the Order are Knight or Dame Grand Cross (GBE), Knight or Dame Commander (KBE or DBE), Commander (CBE), Officer (OBE) and Member (MBE).

Nominations could include:-
  • Robin Evans, (ex Chief Executive Officer) 
  • Nigel Johnson (Corporate services director and secretary) 
  • Stuart Mills, (Property and enterprise director) 
  • Vincent Moran, (Operations director) 
  • Philip Ridal, (Finance director) 
  • Simon Salem, (Marketing and fundraising director)
Which members of Canal and River Trust transitional team would you support, for the award of an MBE. It would be useful to have a list of their outstanding individual achievements to draw upon.  It would be sad if the people responsible for the change from a quango to a self funding charity was to pass unmarked. Who knows maybe someone in the team might get the tap on the shoulder.

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