Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Spring Summer Cruise 2014 ❸❾

Alrewas to Fradley

Overnight the weather was light rain.

Morning: This morning the sun was quite warm. In places the dappled shade created by the bankside trees was welcome respite.

Afternoon: Stopped for lunch at Fradley - then after lunch we decided to stop for the day. Found a pleasant spot with a wide grass area to exercise the dogs.

Evening: The heat of the day was tempered by a pleasant breeze.


Birds: House Sparrow, Carrion Crow, Rook, Magpie, Blackbird, Mallard, Mute Swan, Coot, Waterhen, Grey Heron, Wood Pigeon,Kestrel, Robin, Common Tern, Arctic Tern, Sedge Warbler, Swallow, House Martin and Swift.

Butterflies: Meadow Brown.
Bats: Pipistrelle,
Dragonflies: Banded Damselfly, Common Damselfly, Azure Damselfly.
Today's Total.
Miles: 2.3
Locks: 4
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 2.2
Solar Panels: 22 Ah
Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1903.3
Locks: 1158
Swing / Lift Bridges: 295
Tunnels: 26
Pump Outs: 20
Engine Hours: 28
Solar Panels: 15748 A

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