Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Spring Summer Cruise 2014 ❽

Thorne to Keadby Lock

Overnight the weather was cold and overcast but remained dry. The morning was quite misty.

Morning: Filled the water tank, some last moment shopping. Filled up diesel tank with 91 litres. Steady cruise towards Keadby and completed two loads of washing while under way. Few boats were on the move.

Afternoon: Swing bridges along this section seemed to have been overhauled. We reported at Godnor that we intended travelling to Keadby. Vazon sliding railway bridge was open ready on our arrival.

Evening: Three other boats arrived and we will all lock onto the River Trent at 6am. 

Wildlife: Shelduck, Buzzard, Sedge Warbler, Redwing, Tawny Owl, as well as the usual Swallows and House martins.

Today's Total.
Miles: 10.3
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 8
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 4.9
Solar Panels: 92 Ah

Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1720.0
Locks: 1124
Swing / Lift Bridges: 294
Tunnels: 26
Pump Outs: 19
Engine Hours: 2783.7
Solar Panels: 13264 Ah

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