Saturday, 26 April 2014

Spring Summer Cruise 2014 ❻

Barnby Dun to Stainforth New Inn

Overnight the weather was very cold and consisted of frequent showers of rain sometime turning into quite heavy downpours. The morning was grey and overcast, with the freshening wind having a bite to it.

Morning: Leisurely start to the day as we waited for the weather to improve. I paid a visit to the shower block to find that there was no shower head of flexible pipe. We had discovered the same scenario last year. We were on our way and through the lift bridge by 10:30. By lunch time we had made our way to Bramwith Lock and were soon at the sanitary station. Where we were able to enjoy a hot shower.

Afternoon: After a walk round Bramwith lock doing a 'recce' and being particularly unimpressed by the available moorings. At the same time resisting a visit to the coffee boat. It was hard to decide by looking - if they were open or closed. We were soon back at the boat and enjoying lunch. Then we timed our exit from the sanitary station to pass through the swing bridge with another boat. It was a short trip in a heavy downpour and we tied up at the New Inn.

Then the sun came out and the day become pleasantly warm. We sat outside the pub and several glasses of beer and wine were consumed. I had an occasional treat in the form of 'steak egg and chips' with the usual salad trimmings. The 'Memsahib' had burger with chips. So that's both of our 'treats' over for the month. The meal being made a little more enjoyable by Manchester United giving Norwich a 4-0 drubbing.

Evening: More enjoyment of the sun until just before sunset the temperature began to fall and the wind to pick up a bit. Time to light the fire and to settle down to watch 'Avatar' which we both became quite bored of.

Location: Click Here

Wildlife: Not much to report, other than a sedge warbler carrying a foetal sack and a Robin carrying grubs. So the breeding season is in full swing and hopefully the weather will improve to give the chicks a good chance. 

Today's Total.
Miles: 3.2
Locks: 1
Swing / Lift Bridges: 2
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 1.5
Solar Panels: 55 Ah

Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1706.8
Locks: 1123
Swing / Lift Bridges: 285

Tunnels: 26
Pump Outs: 19

Engine Hours: 2775.4
Solar Panels:
13136 Ah

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