Monday, 28 April 2014

International Workers Memorial Day

Did you know that the 28th of April is International Workers Memorial Day. This stone is in the grounds Rotherham Parish church.

Workers Memorial Day is commemorated throughout the world and is officially recognised by the UK Government.

This year the theme is 'Protecting workers around the world through strong regulation, enforcement and union rights' The TUC believes that we should use the day to highlight the need for strong regulation at national, European and global level. We need to stop companies in the UK from benefiting from the lack of health and safety standards that lead to disasters such as the Bangladesh factory collapse that killed over 1,100 workers. 
We also need a strong strategy on health and safety from the European Commission which will raise standards throughout Europe, while in the UK we need an end to the cuts in enforcement and regulation and instead action to tackle the huge number of occupational diseases and injuries.

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