I thought bottles of tap water that cost more than a bottle of beer was 'taking the piss' so to speak. But there are other little items that make me say I don't believe it! The 'Practical Knot Pack' As featured on CaRT's website features fifty essential knots for every occasion. Includes two different colour pieces of cord to practice the knots illustrated in the accompanying book. Available for £10.39.
Web Based Animations.
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Also web based animations are available at NetKnots.Com (Free of Charge)
The selection of rope knots is for use by boaters, paddlers, scouts, search and rescue, and all outdoor pursuits. It includes a range of essential utility knots. Although there are literally thousands of different knots, the knots illustrated and animated here include the best knots from the three primary knot categories: Loop Knots (make a loop in the rope), Bends (rope to rope knots) and Hitches (rope to object knots).
The How To Tie Knots - 3D (Free of Charge)
Animated app will be your personal assistant in the complex craft of knot tying. You don’t have to worry if you can keep all the necessary knots in your mind. We have collected over 45 essential knots in one app to help you learn new knots or to refresh your memory of the ones you already know. Once you have downloaded the app they will be at hand in your mobile device wherever you are – fishing at a lake, climbing a mountain or just staying home with your everyday household chores. Animated step-by-step instructions won’t let you get confused, and a straight-forward classification system will help you find the required knot quickly and effortlessly. Save your nerves and good mood, you will need them for something else!
Animated app will be your personal assistant in the complex craft of knot tying. You don’t have to worry if you can keep all the necessary knots in your mind. We have collected over 45 essential knots in one app to help you learn new knots or to refresh your memory of the ones you already know. Once you have downloaded the app they will be at hand in your mobile device wherever you are – fishing at a lake, climbing a mountain or just staying home with your everyday household chores. Animated step-by-step instructions won’t let you get confused, and a straight-forward classification system will help you find the required knot quickly and effortlessly. Save your nerves and good mood, you will need them for something else!
For animated knot tying on your smart phone. Animated Knots by Grog is simply the best and most comprehensive teaching and reference tool for boaters, climbers, fishermen, scouts and hobbyists. Watch as knots tie themselves in simple step-by-step photo animations.
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Click to get the Animated Knots Smartphone App |
Use the manual controls to step through the animations frame by frame as you learn each knot. Tap the info button to get detailed descriptions about each knot's correct use, advantages and disadvantages, and other information. (purchase price £3.50)
Knot Animations Include : Albright Knot, Alpine Butterfly, Lineman's Knot, Anchor Hitch, Fisherman's Bend, Arbor Knot, Ashley Bend, Ashley Stopper Knot, Oysterman's Stopper Knot, Australian Braid, Back Splice, Bimini Twist, Blake's Hitch, Blood Knot, Bowline, Bowline on a Bight, Bowline - One Handed, Running Bowline, Braid with One Strand, Buntline Hitch, Carrick Bend, Chain Sinnet, Monkey Braid, Chain Splice, Cleat Hitch (Deck), Cleat Hitch (Halyard), Clove Hitch (Loops), Clove Hitch (End), Clove Hitch (Half Hitches), Lanyard Knot (Cobra), Portuguese Sinnet, Coil Attached Rope, Coil Unattached Rope, Constrictor (Loops), Constrictor (End), Constrictor (Folding), Cow Hitch Using End, Cow Hitch Using Loops, Lanyard Hitch, Crown Knot (Back Splice), Crown Sinnet, Distel Hitch, Double Fisherman's, Overhand Knot Join, Double Overhand Stopper, Dropper Loop, Figure 8 (Flemish), Directional Fig 8 Loop, Figure 8 Flake, Figure 8 Follow, Figure 8 Bend, Fig 8 Double Loop, Flemish Flake (Spiral Coil), Girth Hitch, Half Hitch, Half Knot, Hasty Webbing Harness, Hunter's Bend, Icicle Hitch (Loop), Icicle Hitch with End, Improved Clinch Knot, Klemheist, Lighterman's Hitch, Masthead Knot Mat, Matthew Walker, Monkey's Fist, Munter Mule, Nail Knot, Noose Knot, Orvis Knot, Overhand Knot, Palomar Knot, Tie up a Package, Perfection Loop, Prusik Knot (Triple Sliding Hitch), Rapala Knot, Square (Reef) Knot, Rolling Hitch (Clothesline), Turn & 2 Half Hitches, Sailmaker's Whipping, Sailor's Whipping, Sheepshank, Sheet Bend, Shoelace Knot, Fieggen Shoelace Knot, Sliding Splice, Slip Knot, Snell Knot, Eye Splice, Surgeon's Knot, Surgeon's Loop, Child's Swing, Tensionless Hitch, Bow Tie, Four-in-Hand Necktie, Half Windsor Necktie, Windsor Necktie, Timber Hitch, Trilene Knot, Truckers Hitch, Turk's Head, Uni Knot, Wall Knot, Wall and Crown, Water Knot, West Country Whipping, Zeppelin Bend