Friday, 14 September 2012

The Big One (23-2)

Friday the 14th of September 2012

Boroughbridge to Ripon

It was a wild and windy night last night, the boat was rocking with the stronger gusts. We were moored at Boroughbridge where there was some shelter from the worst of it. However the towpath here is very narrow, muddy and seems to have a selection of regular four legged visitors leaving their calling cards to add to the ambiance.

This morning we moved over to the sanitary station and filled up with water. As we were about due to do a black water pump out we checked the machine was working. We found it was and it had been placed on pause. I connected up and we thought we would see how long the pump-out would last. We completed the whole process with a few seconds to spare. Our thanks go to our mystery benefactor.

We were soon under way again. The wind had tailed off but the occasional gusts were still quite strong. We had difficulty with mooring at most of the locks. We were assisted at Oxclose Lock by a couple of CART employees  who were painting the lock bridge. 

We decided to have a bought in meal on the boat rather than cooking ourselves. So pizza and chips it was purchased from an outlet in Ripon town centre. This also gave us a chance to have a reconnoitre and we found a couple of other useful places such as a self serve laundry open at 8am until 7pm and just off the main square.

Wildlife: We watched a Buzzard make a kill, only for a group of about 30 Rooks come along and force the bird off it's meal. They harried the bird for quite some distance. 

Daily Total
Miles: 7.2
Locks: 4
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 1
Engine Hours: 3.1

Accumulated Totals

Miles: 1219.4
Locks: 855
Swing / Lift Bridges: 158
Tunnels. 22
Pump Outs: 13
Engine Hours: 2435.0


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