Friday, 6 September 2013

Summer Cruise 2013 (37)

Sprotbrough to Eastwood visitor moorings

Overcast night with rain and a chill wind. Had the stove lit overnight. Rain continued until mid afternoon.

Morning: Steady cruise but the wind was very blustery. 30 builders bags between sprotbrough and Mexborough bottom lock, a further 14 builders bags to Mexborough top lock, with a further 1 more near swinton floodlock.

Afternoon: Started work on preparing the roof for painting. Sanding out pit marks and doing a bit of filling. 

Evening: A quiet night watching TV.

Wildlife: Kingfisher and a few Dragonflies including Four Spot Chaser, Red Darter and my first Black Tailed Skimmer for 2013.

Todays Total.
Miles: 10.1
Locks: 6
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 4.5
Solar Panels: 0 Ah

Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1594.2
Locks: 1046
Swing / Lift Bridges: 236
Tunnels: 26
Pump Outs: 16
Engine Hours: 2714.0
Solar Panels: 10854 Ah

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