Previous "Blog of The Month" blogs and websites that I personally
enjoy reading, revisiting and sometimes contributing as well.
January 2012.
Buglife - Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates, and we are passionately committed to saving Britain's rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, and spiders to snails. Today bugs are under threat as never before, so help us to secure a diverse and wildlife-rich planet for future generations.
Grumpy Old Woman. Just like it says on the tin - one womans grumpy view on life.
BirdLife International is a global Partnership of conservation organisations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.
Green Prophet. Green Prophet is a sustainable voice for green news on the Middle East region. The Middle East and North Africa region includes more than half a billion people. Controlling about 60 percent of the world’s oil, and 45 percent of its natural gas reserves, and with little environmental awareness in general and dwindling water resources, the region’s activities are of immense consequence for climate change, human migration, and the future of our planet.
February 2012.
UK Butterfly The UK Butterflies website provides information on all of the butterfly species found in the British Isles, including those that are extinct or migrants. This website is open to anyone wishing to contribute, the many website features can be accessed using the drop-down menus found at the top of each page.
Retirement Rocks. A quick summary for new readers. I'm a 59 yr old Brit from Leeds, England. From 1989-2000, I took every work holiday I could touring the US and in that time, I visited every state except Alaska.
British Ecological Society. The vision of the British Ecological Society is to advance ecology and make it count. Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution, abundance and dynamics of organisms, their interactions with other organisms and with their physical environment. At a time when finite natural resources are being used at increasing rates, it has never been more important for human society to understand its impact on ecological systems and their importance in maintaining human health.
Skinboat Journal. The blog is about various boat and environmental topics.
21st Century Conservation. The purpose of this blog is to explore and extend new ideas in conservation. Sometimes we will post short articles that reflect our current research, thinking and work, at other times we will comment on current issues and debates. We hope you find this blog interesting and we welcome comments and feedback.
Buglife - Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates, and we are passionately committed to saving Britain's rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, and spiders to snails. Today bugs are under threat as never before, so help us to secure a diverse and wildlife-rich planet for future generations.
Grumpy Old Woman. Just like it says on the tin - one womans grumpy view on life.
BirdLife International is a global Partnership of conservation organisations that strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.
Green Prophet. Green Prophet is a sustainable voice for green news on the Middle East region. The Middle East and North Africa region includes more than half a billion people. Controlling about 60 percent of the world’s oil, and 45 percent of its natural gas reserves, and with little environmental awareness in general and dwindling water resources, the region’s activities are of immense consequence for climate change, human migration, and the future of our planet.
February 2012.
UK Butterfly The UK Butterflies website provides information on all of the butterfly species found in the British Isles, including those that are extinct or migrants. This website is open to anyone wishing to contribute, the many website features can be accessed using the drop-down menus found at the top of each page.
Retirement Rocks. A quick summary for new readers. I'm a 59 yr old Brit from Leeds, England. From 1989-2000, I took every work holiday I could touring the US and in that time, I visited every state except Alaska.
British Ecological Society. The vision of the British Ecological Society is to advance ecology and make it count. Ecology is the scientific study of the distribution, abundance and dynamics of organisms, their interactions with other organisms and with their physical environment. At a time when finite natural resources are being used at increasing rates, it has never been more important for human society to understand its impact on ecological systems and their importance in maintaining human health.
Skinboat Journal. The blog is about various boat and environmental topics.
21st Century Conservation. The purpose of this blog is to explore and extend new ideas in conservation. Sometimes we will post short articles that reflect our current research, thinking and work, at other times we will comment on current issues and debates. We hope you find this blog interesting and we welcome comments and feedback.
March 2012.
The LILO website is where you'll find information about the eco-boating community in Britain, as well as the LILO Handbook. The Handbook is a guide and resource manual to low impact life on board. It's co-written by anyone who has something to contribute - whether it's personal experience, a tip on where to find eco-products or designs for a new biodiesel reactor.
Tree Hugger What would it be like to swim through the estimated 100 million tons of trash swirling around in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
The Wherryman's Web The Wherryman's Way runs for 35 miles between Norwich and Great Yarmouth, following the route the wherries used to take along the rivers Wensum and Yare. Six years ago I was sitting in the White Horse, Chedgrave wondering why no-one had written a book about it. A few pints later my mates had convinced me I was the man. It was published in May 2010.
Bean Sprouts Five of us live in a very small ex-council house with a very small garden on the edge of farmland. We grow some of our food. We keep chickens and bees. We try to be "green", whatever that means.
The LILO website is where you'll find information about the eco-boating community in Britain, as well as the LILO Handbook. The Handbook is a guide and resource manual to low impact life on board. It's co-written by anyone who has something to contribute - whether it's personal experience, a tip on where to find eco-products or designs for a new biodiesel reactor.
Tree Hugger What would it be like to swim through the estimated 100 million tons of trash swirling around in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
The Wherryman's Web The Wherryman's Way runs for 35 miles between Norwich and Great Yarmouth, following the route the wherries used to take along the rivers Wensum and Yare. Six years ago I was sitting in the White Horse, Chedgrave wondering why no-one had written a book about it. A few pints later my mates had convinced me I was the man. It was published in May 2010.
Bean Sprouts Five of us live in a very small ex-council house with a very small garden on the edge of farmland. We grow some of our food. We keep chickens and bees. We try to be "green", whatever that means.
National Death Service A bloggers view on the bungling bureaucratic service that we call the NHS.
Mark Wadsworth Cartoons Cartoon caricatures combined with a snappy comment. I find it so compulsive I go back again and again. in a revers form of logic, some of the people are beginning to look like their caricatures!
April 2012.
Self-sufficientish You’ll find packed into the pages of this website information for anyone wanting to be a little more self-sufficient… …ish, from home-brewing and sheep rearing to wild food and natural remedies. We like to think of ourselves a one of the leading resources for anyone who wants to explore the world urban homesteading, self-sufficiency or even just those who want to do a little to leave the stresses and strains of modern life.
Ambush Predator An irreverent take no prisoners view on life and Tesco.
Self-sufficientish You’ll find packed into the pages of this website information for anyone wanting to be a little more self-sufficient… …ish, from home-brewing and sheep rearing to wild food and natural remedies. We like to think of ourselves a one of the leading resources for anyone who wants to explore the world urban homesteading, self-sufficiency or even just those who want to do a little to leave the stresses and strains of modern life.
Ambush Predator An irreverent take no prisoners view on life and Tesco.
May 2012.
Bumblbee Conservation Trust Bumblebees are lovely little creatures - their bright stripes and gentle buzz bring colour and sound to our summer gardens. They are also very important because they pollinate our wildflowers and crops. Sadly things aren't going well and some species are threatened with extinction.
Orphans of Liberty We are differing voices who come together under one banner – that of liberty. We are political and apolitical – some belong to parties, some do not. Some are self-professed libertarians, some are small “c” conservatives, some classical liberals – the names are varied. However we all have one thing in common, a love of personal liberty; that casualty of the encroaching state as it seeks to micromanage our lives.
June 2012.
Captain Ranty Here there be rants. There will be Freeman stuff, Lawful Rebellion stuff and Random stuff. I am rebelling because I want my country back. My lawful obligations are as follows: “together with the community of the whole realm, distrain and distress us in all possible ways, namely, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, and in any other way they can, until redress has been obtained as they see fit…” Ch. 61 Magna Carta 1215
The Law seen from the cheap seats. Political, social and world class ranting on subjects loosely connected to the law.
Captain Ranty Here there be rants. There will be Freeman stuff, Lawful Rebellion stuff and Random stuff. I am rebelling because I want my country back. My lawful obligations are as follows: “together with the community of the whole realm, distrain and distress us in all possible ways, namely, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, and in any other way they can, until redress has been obtained as they see fit…” Ch. 61 Magna Carta 1215
The Law seen from the cheap seats. Political, social and world class ranting on subjects loosely connected to the law.
Zenataomm An alternative view on life, often with a commentary to make you smile. Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. Was a book I read in 1975 and truly affected my take on things at the time. I didn't realise until a couple of years ago when I re-read it that at the time it had also moulded me regarding my opinions and attitudes.
July 2012.
Whiskey and Gunpowder explores the crossroads of liberty, finance and moral philosophy. Frankly, we don’t believe these things can be examined separately and we do our best every business day to demonstrate why. We regard state intervention as the danger it is to healthy free markets. We also lean heavily toward a consideration of commodities in a world of increasing scarcity.
The Grumpologist I am fed up with being overtaxed and over controlled by an out of touch, self serving political elite.
The Cynical Tendancy One man's world class ranting on subjects loosely connected to the world.
August 2012.
Where Green Roads Meet. I am not sure how to describe this one but here goes - A blogger who is an Inveterate daydreamer, loafer and enthusiast of many things from Tunnocks Tea Cakes to collecting driftwood.
The Society of Biology is a single unified voice for biology: advising Government and influencing policy; advancing education and professional development; supporting our members, and engaging and encouraging public interest in the life sciences.The Society of Biology’s vision is to represent all who are committed to biology to facilitate the promotion and translation of advances in biological science for national and international benefit.
September 2012.
Junk News. Angry people in local newspaper. An irreverent hotchpotch osf the crazy, weird and wonderful people who make up this world. Quote "I feel sorry for local news photographers. They are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and sent out to photograph miserable people pointing at dog turds. Here, we celebrate their work."
Spitalfields Life. One of the best blogs on the web. I revisit again and again. Quote "Over the coming days, weeks, months and years, I am going to write every single day and tell you about my life here in Spitalfields at the heart of London. How can I ever describe the exuberant richness and multiplicity of culture in this place to you? This is both my task and my delight."
October 2012.
Liars, Buggers and Thieves. a far from complete list which readers will find useful as well as shocking. Future miscreants from the big three parties be warned, you'll be getting your very own posts on here.
Inspector Gadget works in an unnamed force (rumoured to be in the south of England) and is also the author of the memoir Perverting the Course of Justice: The Crazy World of the War on Crime. The blog is one of a number of "whistle blowers" that have inspired books that lift the lid on the bureaucracy and frustration that many police officers face in the UK.
November 2012.
Debt Bombshell. Every year the UK runs a large budget deficit. The Government spends more money than it can tax, so we plug the gap by selling bonds to investors at home and abroad. These bonds - known as gilts - have to be repaid in full, with interest. Added together, our unpaid loans make up the UK's national debt.
The Ig Nobel Prizes. honours achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology.
December 2012.
Byways by Railways, A collection of walks, mostly in southern England, many in the countryside, others in London, all of which are accessible by public transport.
Stonehead Croft. A blog of life on a croft (small farm) in Scotland. A very enjoyable read - with the best disclaimer in the world.
Whiskey and Gunpowder explores the crossroads of liberty, finance and moral philosophy. Frankly, we don’t believe these things can be examined separately and we do our best every business day to demonstrate why. We regard state intervention as the danger it is to healthy free markets. We also lean heavily toward a consideration of commodities in a world of increasing scarcity.
The Grumpologist I am fed up with being overtaxed and over controlled by an out of touch, self serving political elite.
The Cynical Tendancy One man's world class ranting on subjects loosely connected to the world.
August 2012.
Where Green Roads Meet. I am not sure how to describe this one but here goes - A blogger who is an Inveterate daydreamer, loafer and enthusiast of many things from Tunnocks Tea Cakes to collecting driftwood.
The Society of Biology is a single unified voice for biology: advising Government and influencing policy; advancing education and professional development; supporting our members, and engaging and encouraging public interest in the life sciences.The Society of Biology’s vision is to represent all who are committed to biology to facilitate the promotion and translation of advances in biological science for national and international benefit.
September 2012.
Junk News. Angry people in local newspaper. An irreverent hotchpotch osf the crazy, weird and wonderful people who make up this world. Quote "I feel sorry for local news photographers. They are hugely skilled and poorly paid, and sent out to photograph miserable people pointing at dog turds. Here, we celebrate their work."
Spitalfields Life. One of the best blogs on the web. I revisit again and again. Quote "Over the coming days, weeks, months and years, I am going to write every single day and tell you about my life here in Spitalfields at the heart of London. How can I ever describe the exuberant richness and multiplicity of culture in this place to you? This is both my task and my delight."
October 2012.
Liars, Buggers and Thieves. a far from complete list which readers will find useful as well as shocking. Future miscreants from the big three parties be warned, you'll be getting your very own posts on here.
Inspector Gadget works in an unnamed force (rumoured to be in the south of England) and is also the author of the memoir Perverting the Course of Justice: The Crazy World of the War on Crime. The blog is one of a number of "whistle blowers" that have inspired books that lift the lid on the bureaucracy and frustration that many police officers face in the UK.
November 2012.
Debt Bombshell. Every year the UK runs a large budget deficit. The Government spends more money than it can tax, so we plug the gap by selling bonds to investors at home and abroad. These bonds - known as gilts - have to be repaid in full, with interest. Added together, our unpaid loans make up the UK's national debt.
The Ig Nobel Prizes. honours achievements that first make people laugh, and then make them think. The prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honour the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology.
December 2012.
Byways by Railways, A collection of walks, mostly in southern England, many in the countryside, others in London, all of which are accessible by public transport.
Stonehead Croft. A blog of life on a croft (small farm) in Scotland. A very enjoyable read - with the best disclaimer in the world.
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