Thursday, 5 September 2013

Blog of The Month 2011

Previous "Blog of The Month" blogs and websites that I personally
enjoy reading, revisiting and sometimes contributing.

January 2011

GizMag All the latest on various electronic Gizmos and almost everything else in an online magazine. 

Pictory Life through true photo stories. You can’t begin to tell the story behind your most meaningful image without putting your innermost feelings on display for the world to see.

Petapixel A blog for photography enthusiasts. PetaPixel is a leading blog covering the wonderful world of photography. Our goal is to inform, educate, and inspire in all things photography-related.

February 2011

Totally Cool Pix The world in published it’s first topic on January 21st 2010. It was the Haiti earthquake. We started this project to broaden our field of vision in the blogging business. What started as a fun side project with around 4 posts per month soon became an obsession.

Flickr Blog Flickr’s stunning photo blog.The companion blog to Flickr, the photography revolution for sharing, storing, and organizing your photos that provides easy photo management and collaboration in one of the largest worldwide photo communities.

The Open An eye on the world’s best photographers. An exposure powerhouse that connects photographers with a massive global audience including 50,000 creative industry professionals.

Photojojo Photo tips, projects and more. We publish an insanely great newsletter on photography. More specifically, we scour the internets, rip pages out of magazines, ransack our friends' closets, and go through dumpsters to find the very best Photo tips, DIY projects, and Gear.

March 2011

FFFFound Awesome photos for your timeline. A web service that not only allows the users to post and share their favorite images found on the web, but also dynamically recommends each user's tastes and interests for an inspirational image-bookmarking experience!!

iPhoneography The iPhone photography and videography blog. The iPhoneography blog was formed in November 2008 and was created to provide fellow iPhoneographers with the best single source to all things related to iPhone photography.

Lomography Analogue film photography. It began with a fateful encounter in the early 1990s, when a group of students in Vienna, Austria, stumbled upon the Lomo Kompakt Automat – a small, enigmatic Russian camera. Mindlessly taking shots from the hip, and sometimes looking through the viewfinder, they were astounded with the mind blowing photos that it produced – the colours were vibrant, with deep saturation and vignettes that framed the shot – it was nothing like they had seen before! Upon returning home, friends wanted their own Lomo LC-A, igniting a new style of artistic experimental photography that we now know as Lomography!

April 2011 

Grumpy Old Ken. One man's view of the world. Looking back as well as forward. Remember, yesterday today was tomorrow; still in love with life in spite of increasing years. Nostalgia and neuralgia in equal measure. I just love Ken and his take on life - grumpy or otherwise.

May 2011 

Canal Dog Blog. People often look at me and say "its a Wire Haired Fox Terrier". The first few times this happened I looked round to see what they were talking about. However, for anyone who is unsure. I can guarantee that I am a fully paid up member of the terrier clan. I have no idea what a "Wire Haired Fox" looks like. I have seen and chased a few of those "Red Foxes" along the tow path. But I have yet to meet a Wire Haired Fox.

June 2011 

Granny Buttons. What can you say about a canal blog that is always one of the first you check out and read each day. Good stuff, very varied, never boring.

July 2011 

Tales of Three Men in a Boat. A totally off the wall experience in unarmed blogging at its best. Sometimes below the belt and often in the eye, yet always a compulsive read. One for your blogging shelf in the boat library.

August 2011. 

Nb Trudy Ann (David and Karen)
Nb Waiouru (Tom and Jan)
Nb Net Profit (Sally and John).

September 2011 

Lost and Fond Aim to provide a warm and welcoming place where we can all remember the pets who have enriched our lives and find friendship and support from the huge community of animal lovers who understand just how we feel. Lost and Fond - Just like it says on the tin.

October 2011.

Bee Strawbridge Love this planet. Hate what we are doing to it. Trying to help by raising awareness about the importance of biodiversity and other important issues such as: bees; soil; permaculture; food; ethics; animal rights; growing food; sustainable living and more.

November 2011. 

Grumpy Doctor a jaundiced look at life through the eyes of a doctor. My stories are true. The names, minor details, and dates of occurrence have been changed to protect the irritating.

December 2011. 

The Grassland Trust - Our flower-rich grasslands are fantastic places for wildlife. Not only do they bring colour to our countryside and towns, but they are also home to some of our best loved species: birds like the skylark; animals like the brown hare; and many different bumblebees and butterflies.

The Boaters Manifesto. This manifesto was compiled as the result of responses to a request made on half a dozen boaters’ groups on Facebook (total membership around 2,500) and through various individual boaters’ Twitter networks and discussion groups. Boaters were asked to let the transition trustees know what they actually need from them so that they can respond to the new charity with enthusiasm and commitment. A first draft was produced and offered to boaters for further amendments and additions and this is the final result.

The Barefoot Beekeeper Beekeeping has suddenly become popular again, having been in decline for more than half a century. Honeybees have been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Collapsing colonies, pesticide poisoning and parasitic mites. All this bad news seems to have triggered an almost primitive desire in people to want to help and nurture this vitally-important insect that, despite all our scientific advances, we still do not fully understand.

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