Sunday, 14 April 2013

Spring Cruise 2013 (17)

Eastwood to Tinsley Marina

Weather: Cold biting wind set in for the day.

Yesterday we had a stop over at Eastwood on the visitor moorings, before arranging passage up the tinsley flight for 10 am today. The wind made steering quite difficult and at Jordans lock I did a full 360 degree turn when caught out by a sudden squall. Our trip up the tinsley flight was quite uneventful and we were met by a few friends from the marina acting as volunteer lockies.,

Wildlife: Buzzard circling over the canal was the highlight of the day.

Day Totals
Miles: 4.8
Locks: 16
Swing/Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump outs: 0
Engine Hours:10.0

Running Totals
Miles: 1438.9
Locks: 955
Swing / Lift Bridges: 189
Tunnels. 24
Pump Outs: 14
Engine Hours: 2572.2


  1. Hi at which point do you have to contact CRT to arrange travel down into Sheffield? Plus where is it safe to leave boat overnight/all day. I will be heading into Sheffield early May and need to work out best overnight stopping places. How many locks are involved in the CRT help? Do you need to book visitor moorings at Victoria Quays.


    1. Hello Kath.

      Nice to meet up with you again.

      Make your way to Eastwood - The moorings are on the left just after leaving Prices Lock. Ring the lock keeper only when you get to Eastwood. If you ring before 3pm you will go up the next day.

      Its the start of the smaller mechanical locks after Eastwood. There are two locks to do and it's about an hour and a half to Holmes Lock where the lockie will meet you. The lockie will accompany you all the way to the top. Drop me a memo and we will send out a few extra lock slaves on the day.

      There are visitor moorings at Victoria Quays but you don't have to book and you will not have any trouble finding a mooring up there.


    2. As you will be down the Trent....
      If its late, stop at Keadby we have never had a problem there. (Good sanitary station)

      Or push on to Thorne and the finger moorings which are quite secure. (poor sanitary station) The New Inn at Stainforth is very good if you have time.

      Barnby Dun has good moorings after the lift bridge.(Good sanitary station) Long Sandal is very secure. Doncaster Town moorings are also very secure.

      We like Sprotborough for the peace and quiet and the Pastures after Mexborough Top Lock is the same.

      You can moor at Eastwood (Electric bollards) or Rotherham Moorings after the lock which is outside the police station.

      Hope that helps.


    3. Brilliant thanks. I have printed out your advice ! Will drop a line when I get near Eastwood. Looking forward to visiting Sheffield etc from another angle!


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