Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Big One (7-3)

Tuesday 15th May 2012

Langrick Bridge to Boston Visitor Moorings.

A very cold night, the wind playing around the boat causing her to move from side to side and to give the odd creak from time to time. Combine this with the noise of the traffic over Langrick Bridge. I woke up needing a kip!

Our nearby bird neighbour was still tucked in and sitting tight on the nest. So I did a steady preparation getting ready to leave the mooring. No sudden moves and leaving starting the engine until the last moment. We almost drifted off the mooring before engaging forward power. She never left the nest!

We set off with the wind providing a good bit of forward propulsion as we wended and weaved our way. After half an hour we were passing Antons Gowt. It's believed that the lock, and from it the hamlet, were named after Sir Anthony Thomas, one of a group of people who helped drain the Witham Fens from 1631 onwards. The word Gowt is on old term for a flood-gate, through which marsh-water runs.

There was not a lot of space at Antons Gowt, so we carried on towards Boston. We arrived in Boston accompanied by a heavy shower of rain. The visitor moorings are very good and there was lots of space available. There is a sanitary station but it is located next to the lock into the tidal zone and a good walk away from the visitor moorings.

We have a new bird neighbour who is squatting on the boat next door. The Moorhen is totally unconcerned about anyone coming or going on the pontoon. Even the dogs went for a look and she ignored them.

Daily Total
Miles: 4.3
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 1.8

Accumulated Totals
Miles: 723.3
Locks: 653
Swing / Lift Bridges: 116
Tunnels: 6
Pump Outs: 9
Engine Hours: 2121.7


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