This is one of an occasional series of entries into my blog. The "Boaters Alphabet" today's letter is X and is for X marks the spot. Treasure, do you remember a time in childhood when you wanted to find buried treasure. With books like Swallows and Amazons, Peter Duck and Coot Club from the fertile mind of Arthur Ransom.
Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island remains one of literature's best loved adventure stories. Set in a time when dastardly pirate Blackbeard was the scourge of the high seas. Treasure Island and the castaway Ben Gunn, with Cap't Flint and Long John Silver. A tale of pirates, a treasure map, a mutiny and a one-legged sea cook. We were Jim Hawkins watching out for blind Pew and the black spot!

Colour can also add to the letter X in blue its a marked down in price, X in red it highlights the spot, X in green it is a code for crossing the road. X in black is a mark against your name! XXXX is a beer, XXX is pirate grog, XX is a loving kiss and X-----X is sign here!.
Being captain of the RoA is a hard task with a motley crew. Made up of a two-legged sea cook and a four legged first and second mate. Not known for their reliability - more for their liability. Someone has it to do - today its my turn.
X ray - a class of boat.
Xebec - a small three-masted pirate ship.
Yo ho ho...
I was fully xpecting the page to be rather empty & unxiting when you got round to the letter X. And it was an xeptional relief to discover that there was no xylophone mentioned. Oops..
Word verification:
"assatoba hesta" just thought it was worth a mention..