Sunday 13 August 2017

Summer Cruise 2017 ❶❾

Summer Cruise 2017 (19)

Now Subtitled: "The Magnificent Two go to Liverpool" Nb Rose of Arden team up with various boats to enjoy a summer cruise along the inland waterways.
Plardiwick Bridge 36 to Hawne Basin

Date:  13/08/2017

Overnight the weather cold and odd short showers. By moring it was a uniform grey sky but no rain.

Morning:  Early start from
Plardiwick Bridge 36 at Gnossall and we just chugged along heading for Cowley Tunnel and eventually to Autherley Junction stop lock. Intended to get some diesel at Wheaton Aston - but closed on a Sunday!  At Autherley Junction we topped up the diesel tank. 99p a litre ouch! Kerching! At the next boat yard along it was only 69p a litre.

Afternoon:  The sun was quite hot by lunch time. Which coincided with the start of a 3 hour climb up the Wolverhampton 21 flight of locks. We we had done the first 14 when help arrived in the shape of - John off Kalkara and Paul off Our Little Nightmare. Everyone paused at the top for a meal provided by Janet and Rose before setting off again, through Wolverhampton Tunnel.

Evening:  As the late afternoon light started to fall, it was a steady chug through weeds and debris through
to Coseley Tunnel, Once through the Factory Locks (Which Bones had set in our favour) it was down onto the Birmingham mainline. To Dudley Port Junction, then turning first right and then through Netherton Tunnel and turning onto the Dudley number two at Windmill End. Next was Gosty Hill Tunnel and it was getting quite dark as we arrived at the basin.

Wildlife:  Rat, Grey Squirrel and Rabbit.

Birds: House Sparrow, Tree Sparrow, Dunnock, Wren, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Rook, Jackdaw, Starling, Blackbird, Mallard, Mute Swan, Pied Wagtail, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Robin, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coot, Moorhen, Cormorant, Grey Lag Goose, Canadian Goose, Kingfisher, Grey Heron, Wood Pigeon, Collared Dove, Kestrel, Buzzard, Thrush, Herring Gull, Greater Black Backed Gull, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Black Headed Gull, Common Tern, Swallow, House Martin, Swift, Pheasant and Jay.

Butterflies: Meadow Brown, Common White, Small White, Comma, Tortoiseshell and Red Admiral.

Bats: Pipistrelle, Daubentons,

Damselfly: Common Blue Damselfly,

Dragonflies: Four Spot Chaser.

Today's Total:

Miles: 27.9
Locks: 26
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 5
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 13.6

Accumulated Total:
Miles: 3019 .5
Locks: 1888
Swing / Lift Bridges: 402
Tunnels: 82
Pump Outs: 27
Engine Hours: 3955.9

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