Saturday, 2 February 2013

Crane in the Canal

A large crane has fallen into the canal at Bradford. It came to rest upside down in the Leeds Liverpool Canal at Apperley Bridge. Workers in fluorescent jackets could be seen at the site today, where the crane was on its roof with the drivers cab under the water and its wheels in the air. Part of the towpath has been fenced off until the crane is removed from the water. However, it is not yet known when this will happen. The crane is designed to lift weights up to 90 tonnes, although the crane itself weighs around 64 tonnes. 

Vince Moran, operations director at the Canal and River Trust, said “First and foremost I am thankful that the driver or anyone nearby wasn't injured. “When planning and undertaking heritage repairs to any of our waterways we take steps to ensure that they meet stringent safety measures. Of course we need to understand why this particular patch of towpath gave way and will urgently review the circumstances behind this rare incident and apply any lessons learned from it.


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