Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Workload or load of work.

A visit to the airport this morning with the Memsahib and some of her cronies. They are about to fly to Benidorm for a week of filming fun and frolics in the sun. However, there is a more serious side.


The Memsahib is acting as a body doubling for Madge. She has done her CBT on the Mobility Scooter and so she is ready to take on the challenge..

I have been busy, the boat has been fitted out with a 33' long roof rack and the problem we were having with the chimney has been fixed. The solar panels have been mounted and the LED lights have been fitted with their own constant voltage regulator. I am looking at a reduction in the list of jobs which is almost a barometer of when we will set off on our next cruise. The other main problem is - you set out to fix an item on the list, only to discover another problem that needs to be fixed!
The Current Job List:-

1. Sterilise the water system throughout the boat before draining down.
2. Fix problem with pump out tank level indicator. (waiting for replacement part)
3. Check the antifreeze level in the central heating system.
4. Checking the antifreeze level in the engine coolant.
5. Engine oil change and oil filter change.
6. Visual check of all engine belts.
7. Dose the fuel tank with diesel bug treatment.
8. Check the roof joint on the stove pipe and reseal.
9. Fill up the diesel tank.
10. Rust spot eradication on roof.
11. Cure small leak round saloon window.
12. Battery bank replacement.
13. Insulating the windows for the winter.
14. Front cratch cover fitted.
15. Rear cover fitted.
16. Gas bottle replaced.
17. Update lighting to LED
18. Repair to pram cover.
19. Fitting the washing machine.
20. Modify the saloon table.
21. Additional shelf space. (Started)
22. New boat pole. (parts ordered)
23. Rope replacements. (parts ordered)
24. Side fender replacements.
25. Button fender shackle replacements.
26. Modify the top box height.
27. Install and test new diesel generator. (delayed to see how well solar panels work)
28. Install and test new solar panels.
29. Prepare paintwork for re-painting. (delayed to spring 2013)
30. Install self pump out pump. (parts ordered)
31. Replace floor covering in bedroom.
32. Re-varnish saloon.
33. Fit finishing strips to saloon area.
34. Black the hull.
35. Replace water pump.
36. Pump out the toilet system and drain down for the winter.
37. Install Villager Puffin back boiler. (delayed to spring 2013)
38. Fit 12v regulator into lighting circuit, to hold at 12v for LED lights.
39. Fit MPPS regulator for solar panels.
40. Fit tray to boat roof, for holding items.
41. Make and fit new curtains.
42. Fit new carpet in saloon and kitchen area.
43. Make angle brackets for mounting solar panels.
44. Replace stove door seals. (parts ordered)
45. Test run ALDI central heating system.
46. Repair to back door panel.
47. Repair lock on boat outer doors.
48. Fit internal lock on inner doors.
49. Fit new lock to side hatch.
50. New stove chimney.
51. Install satellite TV system.
52. Build and install new roof hand rails.
53. Build and install new cratch "A" frame.



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