Saturday, 17 March 2012

Paddy day!

My grandfather was born in Ireland. Known as a hard working and hard drinking individual who was not to be messed with. Yet he was also very supportive to his close family and friends. He was however blessed with the logic of the Irish. Comments such as "I wish I knew the place where I will die, because I'd never go near the place."

So I shall bring a similar story for Paddys day.

Patrick Murphy had studied all the facts very carefully, he was planning a holiday where he would travel on an aircraft.  Paddy came up with the following conclusions. The odds against being on a plane which had a bomb on board were 10,000 to 1. However, the odds against being on a plane which had two bombs on board were 10,000,000 to 1. What is obvious from the data I can inprove the odds on a safe flight he said. 'So from now on, every time I fly I'm taking a bomb with me!'

Happy Paddy's day.


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