This is one of an occasional series of entries into my blog. The "Boaters Alphabet" today's letter is V and is for Veneration. A time when we look back and admire the tenacity of the old working horse boats. Each working canal boat needed a crew as well as a horse, mule or a pair of donkeys to pull it.
Working their boat in all kinds of weather. The motive power coming from the horse. Often working for twelve hours or more a day. The life of a boat crew member was quite hard. The rewards were sparse and the work endless.

is for Vernal or occurring in spring "the vernal equinox" a time of the year when winter turns to spring.
Being the master of a narrow boat it not an easy task. With a mutinous crew to be subjugated and the cat to be swung as and when needed. Its a hard job - someone has it to do and today its her turn!
Vee Bottom - Hull shape.
Ventilation - Air introduced into a spinning propeller from the water's surface.
Veer - When the wind changes direction.
Vessel - A craft for travelling on.
Voyage - A round trip involving an outward passage and homeward passage.
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