Sunday, 2 February 2014

We Own It (Update)

The 'We Own It'  Bill in parliament

We've got some good news to report! Last week, a cross-party group of MPs took a stand for you, against privatisation and outsourcing, by introducing our Public Service Users Bill to parliament. The MPs looking after your interests - rather than the interests of big business - included Labour, Liberal Democrat and Plaid Cymru and were led by Caroline Lucas. This is just the start of the campaign; it will be a long term battle to get major parties to officially back the Bill and push it through. But it has already got people talking about whether we all deserve a better deal.

Starting a debate

The launch of the Bill was covered in the Guardian and Local Government News. In the Huffington Post, I argued that we have more say over our triple decaff lattes than we do over our public services. George Woods wrote in Open Democracy about why the Bill is getting cross-party support. And in, Caroline Lucas explained why she supports using the law to protect us against privatisation.

What happens next?

We're working with all politicians to move the campaign forwards, including talking to Caroline about how we can build the momentum and Labour about how we can get the Bill in their manifesto. This month we made a special appeal to Liberal Democrats to support our campaign. Watch this space.

Thank you so much to all of you who are making this campaign possible by supporting us (you can sign up here if you want to join them), and thank you to everyone who's contacted party leaders about the Bill (if you haven't you can do so here). We're really grateful to have you with us at the start of this journey. You can follow us on facebook or twitter to get more regular updates - we'd love to see you there.

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