Wednesday 24 October 2012

X Factor

Latest X Factor news from our African correspondent Annette Curtain.

An X Factor style "Best Sheep" competition is a TV ratings winner in Senegal. The sheep based talent competition has proved to be a surprise TV ratings hit. Simon Cowell may well be preparing to unveil a dancing doggy style X Factor soon. However, it seems that, over in the West African nation, sheep are the animal of choice. 

Senegal, which views the livestock as companion animals, has been introduced to Khar Bii, which translates as "This Sheep" in the local Wolof language and is now in its fourth season, winning over audiences nationwide. It involves a search across the country for Senegal's most perfect specimen and helps to keep alive the tradition of sheep raising. 

Finalists from each region are chosen and compete to win two million francs, as well as extra prestige for their future breeding credentials. Abou Aziz Mare said: "Some people love cats, some people love dogs. Here we have sheep I live with him like a close friend."

This X Factor competition for Sheep remains extremely popular as it goes into its fourth year, with nearly 9,000 fans on Facebook alone! Plus a growing number of entries hoping that the composure, size and appearance of their animal will leave them and their companion victorious.

More X Factor news now from our European correspondent Don Quay.

But the tiny nation of the Faeroe Islands are not to be outdone by the Senegalese and have unveiled a Hollywood star of their own. As the poster boy of the Faeroe Islands farming industry. Reggie the ram loves nothing more than flaunting his enviable figure for the camera. With his photogenic good looks and mesmerising presence in front of the camera, the horned model has what it takes to become a global star.

Cross-eyed Reggie the ram is a natural in front of the camera. However, the island could be about to lose one of its stars if the bright lights of Hollywood come calling for Reggie. The tinsel town of Hollywood however still remains a distant dream for the ram. He's stranded on Streymoy, in the Faeroe Islands, which are situated between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Streymoy, or the island of currents, is the largest of the Faeroe Islands and is known for its fishing and sheep farming industries. 

Does CART have the X Factor.

Here is your chance to vote using your own "X" factor on our poll. I have created a poll that will run between now and the 1st of January 2013. It's not very scientific. Its a simple question "Will CART Succeed". You have three choices Yes, Unsure and No. Now you can vote for one of the three choices. If you change your mind before the poll closing date. You can come back and change your vote. (I wish we could do that for politicians and the Independent IWA members on Council) You will find the poll option on the right hand side just below the members pictures.


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