Yesterday, I wittered on a bit about my old mobile phone playing up and how I thought that tapping it with a hammer might help. Well it would not do anything for the phone but it would have released a bit of my pent-up feelings for a device that did not do what I wanted it to do.
I first came across this sort of fuse blowing situation many years ago. I had a work college who had been given by the boss a Sinclair scientific calculator to play around with. It was supposed to help with his job role.
The problem was that the old SinSci used reverse polish notation. One day after a bit of absence of mind when he forgot to input whatever he was doing using the correct notation. He uttered a few expletives and placed the SinSci on the floor and then proceeded to stamp it into oblivion. No one ever questioned him about the trashed bit of kit - it was just accepted that he had expressed his thoughts on the design, concept, functionality and ease of use. Which in a way he had!
The problem was that the old SinSci used reverse polish notation. One day after a bit of absence of mind when he forgot to input whatever he was doing using the correct notation. He uttered a few expletives and placed the SinSci on the floor and then proceeded to stamp it into oblivion. No one ever questioned him about the trashed bit of kit - it was just accepted that he had expressed his thoughts on the design, concept, functionality and ease of use. Which in a way he had!
Fast forward to the present.
Today, we might raise such issues with the manufacturers customer service department. Or as an alternative, we might just blow a fuse. This Mancunian has taken customer complaints about his mobile phone to a whole new level. The irate customer trashed a T-Mobile store in Manchester city centre after apparently being refused a refund for a mobile phone contract.
Staff stood back in disbelief as he began to systematically rip phone displays off walls and overturn furniture. The middle-aged man, from Salford, also set off a fire extinguisher, while passers-by began filming his angry episode on their mobile phones.
It was later posted on YouTube where it has already received over a million hits. His self satisfied smile and "I feel epic" look at the end shows that he feels at one with the world.
It was later posted on YouTube where it has already received over a million hits. His self satisfied smile and "I feel epic" look at the end shows that he feels at one with the world.
He even has a fan page
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