Saturday, 21 July 2012

Global Fat List

I love the weird and wonderful, so that will go some way to explaining my interest in CaRT. I have just discovered one almost as weird as CaRT called the Global Fat List.  I have a BMI index of 26 and nationally I have a lower BMI than 69% of males in my country. This sounds pretty good until I read. You have a higher BMI than 63% of males in my age group globally throughout the world. 

The real bummer came when I read. If everyone in the world had the same BMI as me, it would add 28,962,903 tonnes to the total weight of the world's population! But when compared to males from the countries listed below I have a slim and sylph like figure!

Micronesia, Tonga, Croatia, Samoa, Argentina, United States, Austria, Czech Republic, Qatar, Chile, Solomon Islands, Malta, Germany, New Zealand, Bahamas, Greece, Finland, Jordan, Australia, Uruguay, Mexico, United Kingdom, Cyprus, Kuwait, Canada, Spain, Grenada, Switzerland, Italy, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Hungary, Panama, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Iceland, Luxembourg, Belize, Guatemala, Israel, Libya, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Poland, Bolivia, Colombia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Russian Federation, Albania, El Salvador, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Suriname, Belarus, Armenia, Ecuador, Portugal, Peru, Costa Rica, Denmark, Slovenia, Netherlands, Slovakia, Paraguay, Sweden, France, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Honduras, Turkmenistan, Guyana, Latvia, Nicaragua, Syria, Bahrain, Lebanon and Macedonia.

It seems that if I want a low BMI index, I don't have the correct body shape. It seems that I am just a little bit on the short side for my weight.

How do you measure up - check yourself Here.


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