Monday, 19 March 2012

Maureen, of Wardle Lock Cottage.

Maureen passed away on Saturday evening at Leighton Hospital near Crewe. Maureen was a very well known character who used to live at Wardle Lock Cottage on the Middlewich Branch.

John Watson of Nb Tam Lin wrote on CutWeb:  "Many boaters will have encountered Maureen as they passed through Wardle Lock, she had something of a reputation of speaking her mind if you made a mistake :-) but this was just her way and she helped and advised many an inexperienced boater and always had time for those who were prepared to listen. Maureen was part of the Jinks boating family, she worked on the boats for many years firstly with her family and later with Jack her husband on their own boats. We had a passing acquaintance with Maureen for a long time but since coming to live in Middlewich we got to know her well. She was a kind and generous person with a fund of stories about her life on the boats and she will be sadly missed by many."

RIP  Maureen.


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