Friday 1 March 2013

March CaRToon Caption Competition

It's March and Christmas and the New Year are a vague memory. The odd light flurry of snow and overnight frost continue to linger on, as do the remains of the floods. Soon it will be the cruising season and the accompanying hosepipe bans,  leaking lock gates and water shortages. The Blog Meister is making a small change to the format of the old Caption Competition. Including a link to the current competition which will be available at all times on the sidebar. 
The caption competition is intended for you to be able to display your prowess at providing a pithy and witty caption. One that has a watery theme to it. 
The guest judges chosen for this Cartoon Caption Competition are the heroes of Peckham, the Trotter brothers Dell and Robney. Awarded the Entrepreneurial Prize for their services to the charitable investment  industry. 

I bet Elf-n-Safety get into hot water over this

There is no pecuniary prize on offer as the Blog Meister is:  
i) A cheapskate. 
ii) A tight fisted old curmudgeon. 
iii) Not on the CART management payroll. 
iv) Not amongst the ex BW working retired.

However, you will reluctantly get a mention in the captains blog. You can submit your entry on the back of a ten pound note, two five pound notes or by using the comments feature below. 

My Indecision Is Final.

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