Sunday, 20 April 2014

Spring Summer Cruise 2014 ❹

Long Sandal to Doncaster VM

Overnight the weather consisted of a clear sky which in turn made temperatures plummet. Because of the full moon it was not a good night for star gazing. Strong blustery winds continued until the early hours. Then the wind died over night leaving only a gentle breeze by morning. The grass was white with hoar frost until after sun up..

Morning: Up early, in time to watch the moon dip below the horizon. I took the dogs out intending to enjoy the dawn chorus of birds. The chorus did not disappoint and was in full song. There was also a very heavy dew on the grass. However the clear sky was full of long vapour trails from passing aircraft. Each trail reflecting the coming sun and holds promise of a warm day ahead.

Afternoon: I tackled the thorny problem of sweeping the chimney of our multi fuelled stove. It came as no surprise to find at the end of the process that we filled a large bucket with the sweepings.

Evening: As the temperature began to fall I lit the fire. It was noticeable that the chimney pipe was much hotter than it had been previously.

Wildlife: The number of Peacock butterflies so early in the season is a reflection on the mild winter and early spring. Good numbers of Orange Tip butterflies as well as a few Meadow Brown variety. The number of Swallows with a fair sprinkling of House Martin continue to build.  Oyster Catcher in numbers and our first singing Sedge Warbler of the season. The cold night seems to have subdued the dawn chorus.

Today's Total.
Miles: 3.1
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 1.0
Solar Panels: 0 Ah
Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1697.3
Locks: 1121
Swing / Lift Bridges: 283
Tunnels: 26
Pump Outs: 18
Engine Hours: 2754.9
Solar Panels:
12466 Ah

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