Sunday, 3 November 2013

Not to be sniffed at!

In the latest shake-up of his front line team, Dave Cameron and the rest of the nondescript Con-A-Lib government has replaced the government minister at DEFRA. The ousted one is Richard Benyon MP. His replacement is Dan Rogerson MP (Lib-Dem) whose new title is Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Water, Forestry, Rural Affairs and Resource Management. WFRARM which sounds a bit like 'warfrin' the rodent poison, but it is not as catchy as DEFRA

So what skills and knowledge does the incoming  minister bring to the table. Dan served on the House of Commons EFRA committee. (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) Prior to becoming a minister Dan Rogerson was also Chairman of the all party parliamentary group on cheese.

Now, I could question if this is the right person for the job. I could use a few puns like mice or man and rats in traps. But it will be interesting over the next few months to see how the department functions with a new hand on the tiller. 

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