Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Podcast (3)

I have written previously about my Apple iPod that I use as a relaxation through entertainment mainly at bedtime or occasionally when I am out walking the dogs. I have found myself chuckling away at a comedy program only to get a few strange looks from people walking the towpath. Now I wear a pair of bright pink ear buds which make it more obvious that I am listening to something and that I have not lost the plot. I find that the iPod is ideal in such situations because of its small size. 

For a bit more background on the ever growing world of podcasts you can read my original posting on Podcasts and Podcasting. Click Here.

So what have I been listening to recently in the digital world of podcasting. 

The Lost Treasures Of The Black Heart is a night curated by Josie Long designed to celebrate 'unsung heroes'. It's held in Camden's Black Heart pub. Dedicated to uncovering obscure facts, unknown gems and remembering unsung heroes; Josie and loads of her favourite acts will perform short lectures and sketches about their chosen subjects. 

This is an interactive event and Josie is just as keen for the audience to bring their own facts and tributes as well as the performers. And now it's a podcast!

Josie Long’s showcase is a delightful series of podcasts with adventurous short documentaries. Each week join Josie Long as she dives into a world of true stories, brief encounters, radio adventures and found sound. 

Originally the material was broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

Who knows maybe you might be able in the future to listen to a podcast with the soft dulcet tones of a dyed in the wool Yorkshire cynic. Who might just wax lyrical about all things with good, bad and indifferent aspects that he comes across as he makes his way along the canal.

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