Sunday 1 September 2013

September CaRToon Caption Competition

It's September and a good sunny spell has helped to make the hedgerows look like they will be full in the autumn. Soon we will be able to enjoy the delights that we know as a typical English Indian Summer.
This months sunny caption competition is intended for you to be able to display your prowess at providing a pithy or witty caption. One that has a watery theme to it.  
The guest judges chosen for this CaRToon Caption Competition are Amanda Lynn and Carrie A Tune  The pair were recently awarded the Nobel Pea's prize for their services to the beards and accordion music industry.
I thought you said there's no charge to moor here!'

There is no pecuniary prize on offer as the Blog Meister is:  
i) A cheapskate. 
ii) A tight fisted old curmudgeon. 
iii) Not on the CART management payroll. 
iv) Not amongst the ex BW working retired.

However, you will reluctantly get a mention in the captains blog. You can submit your entry on the back of a ten pound note, two five pound notes or by using the comments feature below. 

My Indecision As Always Is Final.

Previous Caption Competitions

1 comment:

  1. "Now that's what happens when Robbing Evans tries to drive a boat. Humans run for their lives to avoid the bull's shit."

    PS: I won't mention meerkats again (oops). I read your official statement the other day. So is it Mike from now on, Or Or Or Orlov???

    Yours sincerely Heth the Feth


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