Sunday, 7 October 2012

The Big One (26-4)

Sunday the 8th of October 2012


There is a very attractive boat moored up in the marina. Called "Water Gypsy" she is 40' by 11' wide. Designed and fitted out by the owner "Fritz" in a sort of Dutch barge style. Sometimes a boat looks just right and "Water Gypsy" looks just right to me. She has a few unusual little quirks that Fritz built into the boat including three rudders. 

The leisure Alternator has finally given up the ghost. It's been playing up for some time. Today it died and sent up some smoke signals to let us know. So I have been looking on line for a replacement. Our current leisure alternator is a 70 Amp model and I was wondering about an upgrade! The boat is fitted with the Beta Marine battery control box. This requires the alternator wiring to be modified.

The best prices so far ar with I-Sales Limited.

Beta Marine Alternator.
14V 70amp Iskra IA0883
Beta 38 4Cyl 38Hp 1.5Ltr
£107.33 inc VAT and delivery.

This is the 100 amp upgrade alternator.
Beta Marine Alternator.
14V 100amp Iskra IA1069
Beta 38 4 Cyl 38Hp 1.5Ltr
£180.34 inc VAT and delivery.

Wildlife: Kingfisher spotted flying along the canal, a bit surprising as we are almost in the centre of Doncaster..

I have created a poll that will run between now and the 1st of January 2013. It's not very scientific. Its a simple question "Will CART Succeed". You have three choices Yes, Unsure and No. Now you can vote for one of the three choices. If you change your mind before the poll closing date. You can come back and change your vote. (I wish we could do that for all politicians) You will find the poll option on the right hand side just below the members pictures.

Daily Total
Miles: 0.0
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 0.0

Accumulated Totals
Miles: 1144.8
Locks: 827
Swing / Lift Bridges: 152
Tunnels. 22
Pump Outs: 13
Engine Hours: 2403.7


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