Monday 24 September 2012

The Big One (24-5)

Monday the 24th of September 2012

Dutch Riverside Moorings

The weather has reverted back to normal. It's a dark, dismal start to the day. Heavy overcast with frequent showers of rain. I took the dog for a walk down to Ocean Lock to watch a tanker head out into the tidal river Ouse and head down stream towards the Humber. 

There is a public footpath that starts at the side of the Vermuyden  Hotel. The footpath passes through the port of Goole and crosses over the Ocean Lock Gates. So if you come down to Goole and listen on Marine VHF Channel 14 you can then walk down to Ocean Lock in time to watch the sea going boats pen up or down.

Sir Cornelius Wasterdyk Vermuyden who the pub was named after was a Dutch engineer who introduced Dutch land reclamation methods to Britain. Vermuyden was knighted in 1629 and became a British citizen in 1633. 

Drainage that he did on Hatfield Chase between Doncaster and Goole was only partially successful as the straightening of the River Don and outlet into the Aire caused flooding elsewhere. As a result he dug the Dutch River which provided a direct route from the River Don (sometimes called the River Dun meaning "Brown") to the River Ouse at Goole. Hence the Dutch Riverside moorings where we are located.

Flood warnings are in force round this part of the world. Time to get the wellies out!

Daily Total
Miles: 0.0
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 0.0

Accumulated Totals
Miles: 1285.5
Locks: 866
Swing / Lift Bridges: 161
Tunnels: 22
Pump Outs: 14
Engine Hours: 2455.0


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