Welcome to Braunston puddle banks. Puddle's and mud being the operative words. The rain has been constant for the last 12 hours and does not look like stopping anytime soon.

A few hardy boaters despite the weather continue to move away from Braunston. The wind has picked up even more and the rain is now horizontal. A few other hardy heritage boaters continue to head into Braunston. I counted about 45 heritage boats moored up this afternoon in readiness for the festival.
We had a walk around the village which is quite pleasant. But the weather cut short the ramble as a thunder storm could be seen approaching in the distance. By the time we had returned to the boat the deluge was about to start.
We had a walk around the village which is quite pleasant. But the weather cut short the ramble as a thunder storm could be seen approaching in the distance. By the time we had returned to the boat the deluge was about to start.
Daily Total
Miles: 0.0
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 0.0
Accumulated Totals
Miles: 964.1
Locks: 699
Swing / Lift Bridges: 118
Tunnels: 7
Pump Outs: 10
Engine Hours: 2215.4.0
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