Update on the blackberries that we picked from around our moorings a few weeks ago.

The blackberry jam (6 litres) has had some time to stand, even if I say it myself, it has turned out as a first class batch. I have the odd round of toast in a morning with the jam smeared to a reasonable depth. Your definition of reasonable might be different to mine, 6/7 mm is in my opinion reasonable! I must give it a go in the local Women's Institute jam making competition. I could do a sneaky one and enter under a pseudonym as Michaela. We also have a good quantity of blackberries made into syrup (3 litres) for splashing on ice-cream. I can't understand why we always seem to have no ice-cream left in the fridge?
Done a bit of a clear up of the back garden. I filled a large wheelie bin jam packed full of dead leaves. That's the biggest problem with having a hedgerow as part of your property boundary. The autumn can create a great deal of extra work. However, the payback comes in the number and type of bird visitors we get especially in the autumn and winter months. I might have been better doing this last weekend, then I could have had a mini-bonfire of my own!
Bonfire night(s) this time seemed to be quite subdued events, well round here anyway. There are times of the year when I look forward to persistent rain. Bonfire night and the days leading up to it and for a few days afterwards are when I like to see it wet! The cats have to be kept indoors, however, the dog is quite indifferent to fireworks. But I can get a bit grumpy when some bright spark decides to let of a rocket with a loud bang at 3am. I guess it was the same person who did the same today at 03:45. I wonder if they will get grumpy after finding four flat tyres?
I came across a very interesting posting on the Narrowboat Buggerlugs blog. The posting is titled "grumpy-old-boatmen" and it is well worth a read. Now, if I was to write a grumpy-old-boatmen piece I would soon be up to the 100 plus things that make me grumpy. I can grump for Great Britain. However, when collegues have asked, "Oh, did you wake up grumpy this morning then?" My usual reply is "no I prefer to let her sleep-in".
Must go and walk the dog.
Done a bit of a clear up of the back garden. I filled a large wheelie bin jam packed full of dead leaves. That's the biggest problem with having a hedgerow as part of your property boundary. The autumn can create a great deal of extra work. However, the payback comes in the number and type of bird visitors we get especially in the autumn and winter months. I might have been better doing this last weekend, then I could have had a mini-bonfire of my own!
Bonfire night(s) this time seemed to be quite subdued events, well round here anyway. There are times of the year when I look forward to persistent rain. Bonfire night and the days leading up to it and for a few days afterwards are when I like to see it wet! The cats have to be kept indoors, however, the dog is quite indifferent to fireworks. But I can get a bit grumpy when some bright spark decides to let of a rocket with a loud bang at 3am. I guess it was the same person who did the same today at 03:45. I wonder if they will get grumpy after finding four flat tyres?
I came across a very interesting posting on the Narrowboat Buggerlugs blog. The posting is titled "grumpy-old-boatmen" and it is well worth a read. Now, if I was to write a grumpy-old-boatmen piece I would soon be up to the 100 plus things that make me grumpy. I can grump for Great Britain. However, when collegues have asked, "Oh, did you wake up grumpy this morning then?" My usual reply is "no I prefer to let her sleep-in".
Must go and walk the dog.
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