A Guide To Political and Social Media Terms:
If you are not politically savvy, when reading postings, some words or terms used, can be quite odd and appear to be out of context. I thought it would be useful to have a lexicon of social media political terms.
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Political Jargon:
The words and phrases oft used by political commentators, politicians, journalists, lobbyists, media, trolls, keyboard warriors and other people, especially on social media, when they talk about political issues.
A popular alternative name for Donald Trump, which has now been inherited by Prime Minister Boris Johnson.
Is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another.
Lawfare - Vexatious Litigation:
When the law is used to bankrupt a person through court costs.
Example: Vexatious litigation is legal action which is brought solely to harass or financially subdue an adversary.
Jigsaw Identification:
The ability to identify someone by using two or more different pieces of information from two or more sources - especially when the person's identity is meant to be secret for legal reasons.
Noblesse Oblige:
Is a French expression (often confused with Latin) used in English meaning that nobility extends beyond mere entitlements and requires the person who holds such a status to fulfil their social responsibilities.
When, a situation is funny because it happened in a way that seems the opposite of what you expected.
Is the power of one nation or group over other nations or groups. This means a hegemon may not actually take control of other nations but has the power to greatly influence what they do.
Example: The disproportional influence of Israel over other nations around the world.
Fifth Column:
Is any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favour of an enemy or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine.
Example: Prime Minister Theresa May demanded full details of Priti Patel's staggering 12 unauthorised, clandestine meetings during a 13-day “holiday” in August. Including meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu the Israeli prime minister.
Is a false identity that is created for an individual who is working undercover for the state.
Perfidious Albion:
Is a derogatory phrase, used in Europe, to describe Great Britain’s reputation for bad faith and reneging on agreements. Furthermore, to back up accusations of outright treachery in her diplomacy and treaty-making. It refers to acts of diplomatic duplicity, treachery and hence infidelity, with respect to promises made to, or alliances formed with, other nation-states.
Cancel Culture:
Is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles. Either online on social media, in the real world, or both. The expression "cancel culture" has mostly negative connotations and is commonly used in debates on free speech and censorship.
Example: "The great myth about cancel culture, however, is that it exists only on the left. For the past 40 years, right-wing newspapers have ceaselessly fought to delegitimise and ultimately cancel our national broadcaster, motivated by financial as well as political ambitions." David Olusoga.
Head Wobble:
Give your head a wobble is said when somebody has done, said or observed something stupid, and thinks the person should reconsider this stupid or unbelievable thing.
Example: The US President suggests doctors should look into injecting bleach or disinfectant into patients with Covid19.
Is the action of a group or authority, compiling a blacklist of people, to be avoided or distrusted as being deemed unacceptable to those making the list.
Enemy Of The People:
A designation for the political opponents of the social class in power. The term implies that by opposing the ruling class, the "enemies" in question are acting against society as a whole.
Political Correctness:
Is a term used to describe language, policies, or measures that are intended to avoid offence or disadvantage to members of particular groups in society. Generally used as a pejorative implying that these policies are excessive or unwarranted.
ls, a form of political activism by an individual, group, or organisation. With the goal of shutting down speakers from expressing their opinion.
Freedom of speech:
Is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
Freedom of Expression:
Is usually used in a legal sense, and includes any activity of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
Example: Article 19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice."
Refers to the tendency for facts to go from being seen as objective and seemingly outside of politics to being a part of a political culture war for discussion.
Social Exclusion:
Is the process in which individuals are denied full access to various rights, opportunities and resources that are available to members of a different group.
Example: Housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement, democratic participation, and the law.
Presumption Of Guilt:
Is a false flag presumption within the criminal justice system that a person is guilty of a crime until proven to be innocent.
Internet Vigilantism:
Is the act of carrying out clandestine vigilante activities through social media and the Internet.
Example: Social media has enabled vigilantes to attack people they consider to be corrupt. Even if they have not committed a crime or been held accountable by the criminal justice system. There are many internet vigilante groups as well as individuals.
Is a word coined by George Orwell in his 1949 dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty Four. It describes a person's politically unorthodox thoughts, such as unspoken beliefs and doubts that contradict the tenets of English Socialism, the dominant ideology of Oceania.
Example: In usage, the word thoughtcrime describes beliefs that are contrary to accepted norms of society.
Persona Non Grata (Latin):
Is a status sometimes applied by a host country to foreign diplomats to remove their protection by diplomatic immunity from arrest and other normal kinds of prosecution.
Example: In non-diplomatic usage, referring to someone as persona non grata is to say that the person is not popular or accepted by others in a group.
Social Justice Warrior:
Is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism.
Online Shaming:
Is a form of public revenge in which targets are publicly humiliated on social media platforms. Online shaming takes many forms, including call-outs, cancel culture, doxing and revenge porn.
Information, ideas, rumours and lies that are deliberately spread to harm a person, group, movement, institution or nation.
Example: The deliberate spreading of false or fake information, by a person, organisation or movement.
News or information that is spread, without any intention to mislead.
Deliberately, false often faked information which is intended to mislead.
Example: Source of information leaked to the media, or used by the media for political propaganda purposes. Propaganda issued by a government.
Cognitive Dissonance:
Causes feelings of unease, tension and discomfort when rejecting new information that conflicts with existing beliefs.
An abrupt and complete reversal of attitude, political opinion or position.
Leaked Information:
When confidential information is revealed to unauthorized persons or parties.
Example: Reporters often refer to leaked information given to them by secretive sources.
Is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, is a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock.
Example: When a false identity is assumed by a member of an online political community. Who then write to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person.
A puppet-like individual whose strings of action are pulled by someone else.
Is the practice of masking the sponsors of a message or organisation to make it appear as though it originates from and is supported by grassroots participants.
Example: The term is derived from AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to resemble natural grass, as a play on the word "grassroots". The implication behind the use of the term is that instead of a "true" or "natural" grassroots effort behind the activity in question, there is a "fake" or "artificial" appearance of support.
An accomplice of a political confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine person to entice or encourage others:
Rogue Reporter:
When stories are made up by Journalists and Reporters for propaganda purposes.
Snake Oil:
Is a euphemism for deceptive marketing and reporting. It refers to the "snake oil" that used to be sold as a cure-all elixir for health problems.
Example: The reporter was behaving like a tawdry snake oil salesman.
There is nothing inherently illegal in giving or receiving something in exchange for something else, but in legal contexts quid pro quo often refers to something that is in fact illegal.
Example: Quid-pro-quo was frequently mentioned during the impeachment inquiry into U.S. President Donald Trump, in reference to the charge that his request for an investigation of Hunter Biden was a precondition for the delivery of congressionally authorised military aid during a call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.
Quelle Surprise:
A French phrase that means "what a surprise." Often said and used sarcastically.
Bad Actor:
An unruly, turbulent, or contentious individual. A mean, ill-tempered, troublemaking, or evil person. A person or organisation is responsible for actions that are harmful, illegal, or morally wrong.
Counter-Culture Movement:
A countercultural movement expresses the ethos and aspirations of a specific population during a well-defined era. When oppositional forces reach critical mass, countercultures can trigger dramatic cultural changes.
Mixed Messages:
When a person is receiving bits of information that seem to contradict each other. Creating, confusion, anger and a complete breakdown of trust.
Raison D'etre:
A reason for being. Rationalisation - the cognitive process of making something seem consistent with or based on reason. The purpose that justifies a thing's existence.
Agent Provocateur:
A person employed to induce others to break the law so that they can be convicted.
Sealioning - Sea-Lioning:
A type of trolling or harassment that consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretence of civility and sincerity. It may take the form of "childish name calling or incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate".
A harsh, punitive settlement or decree imposed unilaterally on a defeated nation or political party.
Example: Sir Keir Starmer issues a Labour Party diktat that Labour Party CLP's are not allowed talk about the treatment of labour Party member Jeremy Corbyn.
Political Omertà:
Is a code of silence and places importance on maintaining silence in the face of questioning by party members, authorities or outsiders.
Example: Wilfully ignoring and generally avoiding interference with the illegal or questionable activities of others.
Government by the people, a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
A situation where normally opposing political parties come together to agree on an initiative.
Dictatorship or Autocracy:
A form of government where unlimited power is held by one single individual.
A limited form of independence where a state or colony can control its own domestic policies but has no say over its foreign affairs.
People have to register to be able to vote and this has been done by someone in each household filling in a form, delivered to each address by the local council, on everyone’s behalf. The Tory Government however modified this system to require each individual to provide proof of identity, such as a driving licence or passport.
Royal Charter:
A royal charter is a formal grant issued by a monarch under royal prerogative as letters patent. Historically, they have been used to promulgate public laws, the most famous example being the English Magna Carta of 1215, but since the 14th century have only been used in place of private acts to grant a right or power to an individual or a body corporate. They are still, used to establish significant organisations such as boroughs, universities and learned societies.
Speaking Truth To Power:
Is a non-violent political tactic, employed by dissidents against the received wisdom or propaganda of governments they regard as oppressive, authoritarian or ideocracy.
Pressure Groups:
Typically, an organized group of people that want to influence the policies or activities of those, able to make decisions. This could be at a local, national or international level of government.
Interest Groups:
Seek to protect or advance the interests of their members. This means that membership is often limited to people who fit certain political criteria.
Cause Groups:
Made up of people who share the same political attitudes and beliefs and wish to advance their cause within those who make decisions. They are not looking for personal benefits.
Example: Socialists focused on tackling inequality and homelessness.
Close to Government:
These people or groups will be consulted by the Government, at varying levels, on a regular basis and even sit on policy or parliamentary committees.
Arms Length:
Individuals and groups with no direct links to the Government either by choice of the Government or the group. Typically in this situation, they will try to influence the public through the print media and social media with varying success.
Non-Governmental Organisations:
A non-profit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue.
Example: The Red Cross and The Red Crescent.
Trade Unions:
An organised association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, is formed to protect and further their rights and interests.
Kicking into the Long Grass:
Reacting to a difficult problem by doing an investigation that never reports back. To make sure that people will forget about it removing the need to solve it.
Night of the Long Knives:
A cabinet reshuffle where ministers are sacked rather than moved around.
Westminster Revolving Door:
When a politician with insider knowledge leaves parliament and is employed by a company, because of their knowledge, usually on a big salary while working minimal hours.
Politically driven, extremely angry people.
A type of insolvency is suitable if you’re dealing with debts that you would not be able to repay within a reasonable amount of time.
An ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass all other individual or group interests. Especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.
A set of political-economic policies that aim to reduce government budget deficits, through spending cuts, taxation increases, or a combination of both. (often with the poorest paying the most)
Death Penalty - Capital Punishment:
Is a sanctioned practice of killing someone as a punishment for a crime. When someone is punished with the death penalty is called a death sentence, and the act of carrying out such a sentence is known as an execution.
Example: The European Union (EU), Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits the use of capital punishment.
Social Murder:
When a government engineers policies based on austerity. Where the poor are disproportionally effected. Leading to hunger, suicide and increased criminality.
Is nationalism taken to an extreme position with regards to foreign policy.
Parti Pris:
The term comes from 15th century French, in which it meant a "decision taken." Later, it took on the political meaning of "bias" or "prejudice".
An elaborate and insidious technique of deception and psychological manipulation, usually practiced by a single deceiver, or “gaslighter,” on a single victim over an extended period. Its effect is to gradually undermine the victim’s confidence in his own ability to distinguish truth from falsehood, right from wrong, or reality from appearance, thereby rendering him pathologically dependent on the gaslighter in his thinking or feelings.
Barrack Room Lawyer:
A person who freely offers opinions, especially in matters, that he or she is uniquely unqualified to give. He or she is the local busybody, curtain twitcher, the wind-up merchant, a self-opinionated trouble-maker.
Keyboard Warrior:
A person who makes abusive or aggressive posts on social media, typically one who also conceals their true identity:
Subliminal Propaganda:
Tries to influence people without them being aware of it, through reading subversive materials without realising that they have done so.
Example: How many times have you thought, I know “I've read that somewhere before.” sometimes described as feelings of Déjà vu.
Déjà vu:
This experience is a neurological anomaly when the brain, creates a strong sensation or feeling that an event or experience currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past.
Social Engineering:
Is the use of subterfuge in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behaviour of an individual, or the whole of society.
Example: The use of deception to manipulate individuals into divulging confidential or personal information that may be used for fraudulent purposes. People with an email or social media account should watch out for phishing attacks and other forms of social engineering.
Phishing: Is a form of fraud in which an attacker masquerades as a reputable entity or person in an email, on social media, or other forms of communication including the telephone, in an attempt to extract login credentials or account information from victims.
Clickbait - Klick Bait - Click Bait
It literally means fishing with a bait for clicks. It's often a provocative social media link which is intended to entice you to click on it. The "bait" is intentionally misleading or provocative and clickbait is usually intended as a way for the Mainstream Media to make money.
Media Phishing:
A common type of clickbait through (sponsored) adverts such as you might find on various social media platforms. Such clickbait usually appeals to a variety of common interests.
Examples: include, a male or female sexy, provocatively clad picture. Or with intentionally suggestive and intriguing pictures of celebrities, with captions, like "you won't believe what this sex god did". The stories are designed to attract (Socially Engineer) people, such as by playing on their personal issues, such as weight shaming by offering weight loss methods or body building tricks.
Data Dredging:
Is the misuse of data analysis to find patterns in data that can be presented as statistically significant. This is done by performing many statistical tests on the data and only reporting those that come back with significant results supporting a biased opinion.
Example: Facebook banned Cambridge Analytica from advertising on its platform, saying that it had been deceived. On 23 March 2018, the British High Court granted the ICO a warrant to search Cambridge Analytica's London offices. Individuals' accounts were trawled, and then using data analysis techniques including data mining it was possible to serve up, bespoke socially engineered political materials to influence the individual.
Data Mining:
Is a process used to turn raw data into useful information. By using software to look for patterns in large batches of data, Users can learn more about their customers to develop more effective marketing strategies, increase sales and decrease costs.
Non Sequitur:
In Latin, non sequitur means "it does not follow." The phrase was borrowed into English in the 1500s by people who made a formal study of logic. For them, it meant a conclusion that does not follow from the statements that lead to it.
Example: We now use non sequitur for any kind of statement that seems to come out of the blue.
Someone who deliberately denies or refuses to accept, opposes without reason, is a fake sceptic or cynical about something.
Mansplain, Mansplaining:
Of a man, commenting on or explaining something to a woman in a condescending, overconfident, and often inaccurate or oversimplified manner.
Androcracy, Andrarchy or Phallocracy:
A state or society ruled by men where moral authority and control of property may also be exclusively in the hands of males.
Denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their gender at birth.
Stands for 'trans-exclusionary radical feminist'. Otherwise known as someone who supposedly stands for women’s rights, while only considering people who were assigned female at birth to be women. This means they don't consider transgender women to be women.
Plutocratic Plutocracies:
Is typically used to describe systems that resemble or function as plutocracies or the actions of people considered plutocrats. Used to describe things that involve a plutocracy a government in which wealthy people use their wealth to rule. Such people can be called Plutocrats.
Could be the actual leaders, or someone who may influence or control the decisions that the leaders make.
Mic Drop:
Is the gesture of intentionally dropping one's microphone at the end of a performance or speech to signal triumph. Often used to indicate when a politician has demolished a rival's credibility.
In The Last-Chance Saloon:
A final opportunity to be successful or to be accepted after a number of spectacular failures.
Example: Some of the MP's are already in the Westminster departure lounge while others are in the Last Chance Members Bar.
Cathartic, Cathartic Experience:
Psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions. An experience of emotional release and purification, often inspired by or through art.
Example: In psychoanalysis, catharsis is the release of tension and anxiety that results from bringing repressed feelings and memories into consciousness.
Non-Dom, Non Domiciled:
The non-domicile rule, which allows some UK residents to limit the UK tax paid on earnings, has been a regular topic of debate. Various changes have been made to the way people face charges in the UK if they wish to keep their non-dom status. The tax status remains, and there is an element of mystery about it - with the number of non-doms in and outside the UK a matter of uninformed guesswork.
Racial Gatekeeping:
Is the assertion that a political figure could not possibly be criticised for policies targeting a particular racially marginalised group because they themselves are members of that group.
The phrase gained popularity in Italy and the international press to refer to former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's sex parties, which caused a major political scandal in Italy.
Example: The regular Tory sex scandals are surpassing the infamy of the Berlesconi bunga-bunga parties.
Brown Nosing:
The activity of shamelessly currying favour with someone for reward or preferential treatment.
Example: The brown-nosing political lobbyist who gives a £50,000 'political donation' to a member of parliament.
British Honours System:
The Honours System is overseen by the Cabinet Office Honours and Appointments Secretariat. British nationals and citizens of the 15 Commonwealth countries can be secretly nominated.
frequently the honours system is viewed as back-slapping awards for the establishment boys and girls.
The Honours List:
Consists of knights and dames, appointments to the Order of the British Empire and gallantry awards to servicemen and women. With a bravery award for civilians.
Knighthood or Dame:
A Knighthood is generally granted by the monarch, to selected persons to recognise some meritorious achievement. The modern female equivalent in the English language is Dame.
Example: Wives of knights, however, are entitled to use the honorific pre-nominal "Lady" before their husband's surname. Husbands of Dames are not allowed to use the title Sir!
Order British Empire:
Three awards represent different ranks in the Order of the British Empire. The highest ranking is Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE), followed by Officer (OBE) and Member (MBE).
British Empire Medal:
The British Empire Medal is a medal awarded for meritorious civil or military service worthy of recognition by the Crown.
British Industry Medal:
My father was a coal miner and my mother always said "He (father) gets his British Industry Medals and Certificates in his pay-packet every Friday." She meant the meagre supply of notes and coins with a picture of the King or Queen head on them.
Order of the Brown Nose:
Private Eye famously created the fake (OBN) which it awarded to political sycophants seeking a knighthood.
Pyrric Victory:
A victory that is not worth achieving because of the excessive toll it takes on the victor.
Example: Winning the lawsuit was a Pyrrhic victory, since it cost us everything we had.
Is Yiddish for an ineffectual, foolish, or contemptible person.
Example: Sir Keir Starmer is a political schmendrick.
Extreme self-confidence or audacity.
Example: Love him or hate him, you have to admire Corbyn's chutzpah.
A system of forced labour camps was established during Joseph Stalin’s long reign as dictator of the Soviet Union.
Example: In the 1930s, the British government set up a series of work camps or gulags for the unemployed supposedly to make them fit enough to work.
A carefully plotted revolt or attempt to overthrow a leader or government, especially one that depends upon suddenness and speed.
Example: The Labour Party PLP in a putsch against the elected leader of the party Jeremy Corbyn.
Dogpile, Pile-On:
Organised harassment when a number of different individuals send threatening communications to a victim.
Non sequitur:
A statement that does not follow, to a conclusion from the rhetoric that leads to it. But we now use non sequitur for any kind of statement that seems to come out of the blue.
Conforming to a fixed or general pattern or type - especially when of a prejudiced nature.
Is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against Islam or people who practice Islam.
A number of votes cast for a candidate in a contest of more than two candidates that is greater than the number cast for any other candidate but not more than half the total votes cast.
Witch Hunt or Witch-Purge:
Is an attempt to find and punish a particular person who is being blamed for something, often simply because of their opinions and not because they have actually done anything wrong.
Example: In political terms a witch hunt is when a fake trial or kangaroo court is held, when political opponents try to blame someone else for their own political failings.
Kangaroo Court:
A court held by a group of people in order to try someone regarded, especially without good evidence or faked evidence as guilty of a crime or misdemeanour.
Slapp Suit:
A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defence.
Vexatious Litigation:
Is considered an abuse of the judicial process and may result in sanctions against the offender.
Example: A pattern of frivolous legal actions is typically required to rise to the level of vexatious.
Virtue Signalling: (1)
Refers to simple gestures like wearing a badge, waving flags, or using hashtags to signal that you endorse a particular political position.
Example: Virtue Signalling Is the popular modern habit of indicating that one has virtue merely by expressing disgust or favour for certain political ideas or cultural happenings.
Virtual Signaling: (2)
Used by right wing political opponents as an insult to those who support virtuous causes. Suggesting that they are banner waving in order to appear virtuous, whilst in reality are doing little to nothing to support actual causes. The belief that everyone else takes empathy like they do.
Alma Mater:
Is an allegorical Latin phrase for a university, school, or college that one formerly attended.
No Pasaran:
The phrase comes from the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, and was used by the left-wing soldiers fighting against Franco and the Falangists as a rallying cry.
A diplomatic agreement that does not have the same binding force as a treaty.
Behaving in an obsequious or overly deferential way.
Example: ‘The Tory is a simpering, forelock-tugging toady.’
Is usually defined as a hanger-on or sycophant.
A person who grovels towards someone important in order to gain an advantage.
Politics attracts all types of self-publicists, from the geeky Inadequate to the flamboyant braggart often seen as a boaster, blowhard, poser, show-off, big-head, bull-shitter, bigmouth, wank puffin or egotist.
High-sounding language with little if any meaning, used to impress people by being pompous or having a sense of self-importance. An attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or is going to do something.
A term used to describe someone who has an antisocial personality disorder and can’t understand others’ feelings. They’ll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.
Example: Doesn’t respect social norms or overstep social boundaries. Lies, deceives others and uses others for personal gain. Often behaving without thinking of consequences. Doesn’t feel guilt or remorse for having harmed or mistreated others.
Stockholm Syndrome:
Is a psychological condition that occurs when a victim of abuse identifies and attaches, or bonds, positively with their abuser.
Flip Flopper:
A politician who changes his mind on certain important issues over time.
An effort that brings together both political parties in mutual agreement.
A militant Feminist who is viewed as going overboard on women's causes.
A person who is anti-abortion.
A person who is in favour of a woman's right to choose abortion or not.
When companies attempt to make themselves look environmentally friendly usually when they're not.
This term is used by politicians and lobbyists to refer to genetically-modified food products.
Political Parties:
A group of people who come together, usually under one name or banner, with a common ethos about how a country should be run.
Socialist – Socialism:
In the United Kingdom, socialism is what a true left-wing government does. A political government where the workers play a more significant part in the workplace. Socialism requires that the main streams of economic activity are brought under public direction, with an economic plan that works for the many and workers have rights and workplace democracy.
Example: Socialist governments favour the mixed economy with some nationalisation of key industries and the safety net of social welfare. Socialists have also adopted the causes of other social movements such as environmentalism, feminism and progressivism.
Agrarian Socialist
Originally applying to non urban, pre-industrial revolution peoples with traditional attitudes, those who believe in the collective ownership and control of primary industries, and to a lesser extent secondary industries, for the benefit of all,
Blairism, Blairites:
The political ideology of the ex Labour leader Tony Blair and those that follow him. Proponents of Blairism are referred to as Blairites.
Example: Blair was an interventionist and active in supporting The US president George Bush foreign policy. He also supported increasing law enforcement powers, with a particular focus on Orwell's 1984 style surveillance. Blair is now seen as an alleged war criminal in Socialist political groups.
Liberal Democrats:
Are a small political party in the United Kingdom. Liberal in relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy and free enterprise.
Green Party:
Are a growing political party in the United Kingdom. Ethos is to change the political system to protect the environment and to reduce the effects of climate change or global warming.
Communism is a philosophical, social, political, and economic, ideology. A movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socio-economic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state. Communism includes a variety of schools of thought which broadly include Marxism and ancho-communism as well as the political ideologies grouped around both.
That the current order of society stems from capitalism, its economic system and mode of production; that in this system there are two major social classes; that conflict between these two classes is the root of all problems in society; and that this situation can only ultimately be resolved through a social revolution.
Is a political philosophy and anarchist school of thought that views revolutionary industrial unionism or syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy and thus control influence in broader society.
A form of government where unlimited power is held by one single individual.
A limited form of independence where, for example, a state or colony can control its own domestic affairs but has no say over its foreign affairs.
A derogatory term for a political zealot.
The working class, who make up the majority of the population within any society and must work to survive.
Is the capitalist class, usually a small minority that derives great profit from employing the working class on subsistence wages. Enabled through private ownership of the means of production.
Tsar - Czar - Czar or Csar:
Is the title of the supreme ruler of the Tsardom of Russia and the Russian Empire. Also a person who has been given special powers by the government to deal with a particular issue.
Named after John Maynard Keynes whose macroeconomic theories about how economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand or total spending in the economy. According to Keynes, the productive capacity of the economy sometimes behaves erratically, affecting production, employment and inflation.
Belle Époque:
A beautiful epoch or period of relative peace and optimism. Marked by progress in the arts, literature, technology and economic development.
Jeremy Bentham an English philosopher of the 18th century was the founder of Utilitarianism. A pragmatist, who believed policy decisions should be those that produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number. To him, the concept of natural laws and basic human rights was nothing more than “nonsense on stilts”.
Rules for Radicals:
Saul Alinsky was described by opponents as an organisational genius, an American political activist, although never aligned with any political party, who, through his book Rules for Radicals, propagated ideas for poor communities to successfully organise politically.
Example: Prominent in the 60’s with students and other counter-culture movements. Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals, is now popular with all sides of the political divide.
Banana Republic:
A small country economically dependent on a single agrarian export commodity (traditionally a banana), but with a corrupt government in charge.
After a period of Liberal dominance before the First World War, the Conservatives gradually became more influential in government, regaining full control of the cabinet in 1922.
Example: In the inter-war period, conservatism was the major ideology in Britain as the Liberal Party vied with the Labour Party for control of the left.
After the Second World War, the first Labour government (1945–1951) under Clement Attlee embarked on a program of nationalisation of industry and the promotion of social welfare. The Conservatives generally accepted those policies until the 1980s, when the Conservative government of Thatcher, guided by neo-liberal economics, reversed many of Labour's programmes.
Thatcherite, Thatcherism:
A type of conservative ideology named after Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher. The term has been used to describe the principles of the British government under Thatcher from 1979 to 1990, and continuing into the governments of John Major and David Cameron. When asked what was her greatest achievement she said 'Tony Blair.'
Example: Thatcherism represented a systematic, decisive rejection and reversal of the post-war consensus. Such as the welfare state, nationalised industry and close regulation of the British economy.
Usually characterised as being Communist, often mistaken for Socialism. Derogatory descriptions are used to describe adherents such as Trots for Trotskyism or Stalinist.
A person who is more liberal thinking - typically this is someone who is for equality, for gay rights, and pro-choice, among many other issues.
Agrarian Socialist:
Those who believe in the collective ownership and control of primary industries, and to a lesser extent secondary industries, for the benefit of all.
The Third Way, Blairism:
A political philosophy closely allied with centrism. That attempts to reconcile right-wing and left-wing politics within a group - by advocating a mixture of centre-right and centrist economic platforms with a light sprinkling of centre-left social policies.
Centrist, Centrism:
In politics, centrism is a political outlook or specific position that involves acceptance or support of a balance of a degree of social equality and a degree of social hierarchy, while opposing political changes which would result in a significant shift of society strongly to either the left or the right.
Example: Centrists are characterised as sitting on the fence, or being neither for or against the status quo.
A person who is more conservative thinking. This typically means someone who is looking for lowered taxes, to grow greater personal profits. Especially attractive to the more wealthy and those wanting decentralisation of government through the privatisation of state owned industry.
Also referred to as the 'extreme right' or 'right-wing extremism'. Are political beliefs that are to the extreme right of the left–right political spectrum. Particularly associated in terms of extremist nationalism and authoritarian tendencies.
Connected with the political principle or practice of showing interest only in your own country and not being involved in international activities.
A person who wants their country to be politically independent, self-governing or self rule. Who strongly believe their country is better than all others.
Separatism – Separatist:
The belief held by people of a particular race, religion, or another group within a country that they should be independent and have their own government or in some way live apart from other people:
Example: Basque separatism, Scottish home rule, UK Brexit.
Patriot - Patriotism:
Patriotism can turn into jingoism and intolerance very quickly.
A person who refuses to discuss, consider or listen to, any beliefs or theories contrary to his or her own thinking.
Jingoism - Jingoistic:
The extreme belief that your own country is always best, often shown in enthusiastic support for a war against another country.
Showing a wish to help or bring advantages to others, even if it results in a disadvantage for yourself:
Example: I doubt whether Trevor Chinn's motives for donating the money to Sir Keir Starmer are altruistic - he is probably looking for publicity or influence.
They seem to be full of praise, kindness, or interest, but are obviously insincere and excessively ingratiating.
Example: Ann Widdicombe’s wonderful description of the unctuous Michael Howard as having “something of the night about him!"
Is characterised by nightmarish settings in which the people are crushed by nonsensical, blind authority.
The action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
Dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially by a person in authority.
Statistical Anomaly:
Occurs when something falls out of the normal range for one group, but not as a result of being in that group.
Jewish nationalist movement has as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish National State in Palestine. Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century.
Antisemitism, anti-semitism or anti-Semitism:
Is hostility, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. A person who holds such positions is called an antisemite. Anti-Semitism is generally considered to be a form of racism.
Actuarial science:
The discipline that applies mathematics, statistics and probability theory to assess risk in human affairs such as insurance, issuing finance, and in some cases sentencing in criminal justice.
Is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioural traits, corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another.
Bigot: A person who refuses to discuss, consider or listen to, beliefs or theories contrary to his or her own.
La-La Land:
Term suggesting a person is out of their mind.
A political constituency in a deprived area.
Dystopia, Distopian or Cacotopia:
Is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening. Dystopian rulers are brutal and dedicated to the point of fanaticism. A government that is brutal or uncaring.
Is the ability to physically transform through the use of demonic manipulation, sorcery and spells. Other forms of witchcraft are available.
Existential Threat:
Is a threat to something’s very existence, when the continued being of something is at stake or in danger. It is used to describe threats to actual living things as well to nonliving thing things, such as a country or an ideology.
Example: The existential threat posed by nuclear weapons or climate change.
Political ideas and activities that are intended to get the support of ordinary people by offering them what they want. But are unlikely to deliver.
An elite politician, who covertly appeals to unsuspecting people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups:
Example: Their ideas are simple populism - promises and pledges of tax cuts and higher wages.
A variant of populism in the context of globalisation and widespread acceptance of neoliberal policies.
Conspiracy Theories:
Usually when individuals and groups deny the accepted consensus or issues that cannot be proven using historical or pseudo-scientific methodologies.
Is considered a core concept of fascism and scholars agree that a fascist regime is foremost an authoritarian form of government.
An ideology and policy model that emphasizes the value of free market competition. Although there is considerable debate as to the defining features of neo-liberal thought and practice, it is most commonly associated with laissez-faire economics.
Example: Naomi Klein offers a largely negative definition of neo-liberalism, arguing that the three policy pillars of neo-liberalism are, privatisation of the public sphere, deregulation of the corporate sector and the lowering of income and corporate taxes, paid for with cuts to public spending.
An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations.
A government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
A derogatory term for a ruling elite. That is made up of people from the same social background who went to the same public schools and universities. Who know each other socially.
Example: If the United Kingdom has political problems, they are caused by the chumocracy in Westminster.
When important and powerful people control a country or an organisation, especially those who support the existing political situation.
Adversarial system:
The system of law, as exists in the Anglo-American world, is where an issue is argued in court by two opposing sides, the prosecutor or plaintiff, and the defence.
Inquisitorial system:
Where a judge or panel of judges call evidence and interrogate witnesses, as exists in many European countries.
Amicus curiae:
Latin for ‘friend of the court’. A party, who is granted permission by an appellate court to be involved in proceedings. Even though it was not directly involved in the original case.
Ad Hominem:
A Latin term that refers to arguments, most of which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself. This avoids genuine debate by creating a diversion to some irrelevant issue.
A diplomatic agreement that does not have the same binding force as a treaty.
Dead Cat:
This is something said or done to divert attention away from the current conversation. So let us suppose you are losing a political argument. The facts are overwhelmingly against you, the more people focus on the reality, the worse it is for you and your case.” Your best bet in these circumstances is to perform a manoeuvre described as “Throwing a dead cat on the table.”
Example: “There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table and I don’t mean that people will be outraged, alarmed, disgusted. That is true, but irrelevant. The key point is that everyone will shout, “Jeez, mate, there’s a dead cat on the table!” In other words, they will be talking about the dead cat. Which is now the thing you want them to talk about and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.” Boris Johnson, 'This Cap on Bankers’ Bonuses is Like a Dead Cat – Pure Distraction', The Telegraph, March 3, 2013.
Sheeples or Judas Goat.
A derogatory term that highlights the herd behaviour of people by likening them to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to any suggestion. A term of derision is used to describe people who are easily led or follow blindly. People are compared to sheep in being docile, somewhat naïve and foolish, or easily led.
Example: Like the Judas Goat which is trained to walk a flock of sheep towards the slaughter man. People acquiesce and follow on without any further thought.
A person or thing that is blamed for something bad that someone else has done. Politicians have often used a scapegoat for the global economic crisis.
An argument or case that is clear, logical, and convincing.
Leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others.
Example: The British Empire comprises the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates, and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom. It originated with the overseas colonies and trading posts established by England in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.
Special Advisor - a person whose job is to give political advice to government ministers. They are often referred to as 'SpAds' or 'Spads'. SPADS have become a frequent career stage for young politicians, before being elected Members of Parliament, which has attracted criticism in recent years.
To antagonise others online by deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, offensive comments or other disruptive content. To harass, and criticize, especially by provocatively disparaging or mocking public statements, social media postings or acts.
Discrete units of knowledge, are often portrayed in pictures, as jokes and in cartoons. Memes are to culture what genes are to life. Just as biological evolution is driven by the survival of the fittest genes, in the gene pool. Cultural evolution may be driven by the most successful social media memes.
On social media, a justice warrior who is too sensitive and too politically correct.
The merging of two subjects, into one, is often used as an intentional, but feigned error.
The technique or practice of responding to an accusation by raising a different issue.
An effort that brings together both political parties in mutual agreement.
Something that only works toward the goals of one political party, and often works against the goals of the other.
The Public Purse:
Money collected by government in the form of taxes.
Tree Hugger:
A derogatory term for an environmentalist.
Is the result of a person's actions as well as the actions themselves. It is a term about the cycle of cause and effect. According to the theory of Karma, what happens to a person, happens because they caused it with their actions. Someone will ultimately pay for their actions.
Name for a locally elected official.
Public Servant:
An official but unelected person such as a Police officer.
To change a law or a system to make it better, worse or more efficient.
Lame Duck:
A politician who is considered ineffective, either because he or she was recently elected out of office or announced retirement.
Woke is increasingly used as shorthand for - I'm awake now!
Voting form or postal vote.
Neck And Neck:
No clear division between two or more candidates.
To Close To Call:
When votes cast for each political party are very close in numbers.
When one party has a clear majority over all the others.
Polling Station:
Place where you can cast your vote within a constituency.
A group of people asked (before the election) about who they are going to vote for.
Exit Poll:
A group of people asked (after casting their vote) about who they voted for.
Westminster Waffle:
House of Commons:
The House of Commons, is often referred to simply as the Commons, is the lower house and is the primary chamber of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It meets in the Palace of Westminster. A stark contrast between the privileges of the ruling class and the dreary existence of the working class.
Balance of power:
The leverage of a small party in being able to give, support to a large, albeit still minority party, to allow it to have a majority on a vote.
Denotes an electoral system in which a candidate or party is selected by the achievement of a simple highest vote count. There may be votes for other candidates that amount to more votes that the declared winner.
An electoral system in which divisions in an electorate are reflected proportionately in the elected body. The essence of such systems is that all votes contribute to the result, not just a plurality, or a bare majority.
Australian Ballot:
The original name was given to the secret ballot due to the fact it originated there.
Impeachment: Is a process in which the UK parliament may prosecute and try individuals, normally holders of public office, for high treason or other crimes and misdemeanours.
When two or more political parties come together to form a government.
A local election held to fill a suddenly vacated constituency due to death, imprisonment or resignation.
Member of Parliament (MP):
Is the elected representative of the people within a constituency boundary.
A member of Parliament (government or opposition) who is not in a leadership role in their party but merely sits literally on the back bench.
Bed-wetter or Wet:
Derogatory term for a politician (usually Tory) who panics easily and shows signs of caving when newer, creative, or more ideological policies their party advocates, start to come under criticism.
Lame Duck:
A politician who is considered ineffective.
Round Robin:
A petition or protest on which the signatures are arranged in a circle in order to conceal the order of signing. - A letter or petition sent among members of a political group, often with comments added by each person in turn.
A contemptible, fawning person, or parliamentarian. A servile flatterer or toady.
Parliamentary Constituency:
In the UK each of the electoral areas called constituencies elects one member to the House of Commons.
Cabinet of the United Kingdom:
Is a group in the government, consisting of the highest ranking Ministers of the Crown in Parliament. A committee of the Privy Council, the members include the four Great Offices of State which includes the Prime Minister, who chairs the Cabinet. Other members include the Secretaries of State who each head the government departments.
Cabinet Office:
Traditionally the Cabinet Office's role was facilitating collective decision-making by the Cabinet, through running and supporting Cabinet-level committees. This is still its principal role, but since the absorption of some of the functions of the Civil Service Department in 1981 the Cabinet Office has also helped to ensure that a wide range of Ministerial priorities are taken forward across Whitehall. It also contains miscellaneous units that do not sit well in other departments. For example: The Historical Section was founded in 1906 as part of the Committee for Imperial Defence and is concerned with Official Histories.
The Speaker:
The Speaker of the House of Commons is the chief officer and highest authority of the House of Commons, the lower house and primary chamber of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
Temporary interruption during a parliamentary session.
Adjournment debate:
In this case, MPs have the opportunity to raise specific issues with the relevant minister. The minister then answers directly or, within a specific time, provides a written response, which usually is also published online.
House of Lords:
The upper chamber of Great Britain's bicameral legislature (a legislative body having two chambers) Originated in the 11th century when the Anglo-Saxon kings consulted witans (councils) composed of religious leaders and the monarch’s ministers, it emerged as a distinct element of Parliament in the 13th and 14th centuries.
Peerage (Lord):
Peerage in the UK is a legal system. Historically appointed (not elected) in some cases hereditary. Comprising various titles and composed of assorted noble ranks.
The Lord Speaker:
Chairs daily business in the House of Lords chamber and is an ambassador for the work of the House of Lords.
Remembrance Day Poppies.
Red Poppy:
Signifies memorial to the people who died during the first World War and later conflicts.
White Poppy:
Pays tribute to those that died in conflict, but emphasises an ultimate commitment to peace.
Black Poppy:
Is for remembering people of African, Asian and Caribbean descent who played a part in World War I & II.
Purple Poppy:
Represents the memorial to war animals (dogs, horses pigeons etc) who lost their lives during times of war.
Is one of the largest religions around the globe with more than 2.22 billion followers which is more than 31.5% of world’s entire population. It was founded about 2000 years ago in modern day Palestine. Christianity is divided into three major sects named Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant.
Is the second largest of the major religions of the world having more than 1.5 billion followers. It is one of the fastest growing religions and was founded about 1400 years ago in modern day Saudi Arabia.
Has 1.05 billion worshipers. It is considered the world’s oldest religion. Most Hindus live in South Asian countries such as India, Nepal and Indonesia. In India alone, it is estimated that 80% of the population is Hindu. Although very little is known about the foundation of Hinduism, it is generally believed that the faith developed over 4,000 years ago.
Is a leading religion around the globe with more than 488 million followers. It was founded by Gautama Siddhartha 2500 years ago in India. Buddhism is divided into three major sects named Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
Is based in Japan, with 104 million followers worldwide. Its beginnings date back to the eighth century. It is estimated that 80% of Japanese citizens belong to Shintoism, and the country is home to 80,000 Shinto shrines. A unique feature of faith is that believers do not have to declare their allegiance to the Shinto religion.
Was born in China about two thousand years ago. Also known as Taoism, this religion is associated with a belief in occultism and metaphysics. Most of the Taoist supporters live in Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea and Vietnam.
Is the world’s fifth largest religion having more than 28 million worshipers. It came into existence 500 years ago. This religion combined the beliefs from Islam and Hinduism. The majority of its followers is living in the Indian Punjab province.
Has a long and rich history, and dates back to the eighth century BC. It has 13 million followers. The religion originated in the Middle East and has three major branches. These include Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reformed Judaism.
Covid Quotes:
Someone to give you advice from behind a plexiglass screen; also, the type of facial covering that makes you look like a bottled head.
A treatment for the complaint known as skin.
Bugle smudger:
The facial equivalent of the budgie smuggler; a device to render the voice indistinct (and don’t even think about lip reading); a prophylactic for the promiscuously opinionated.
An essential immunity-boosting vitamin provided by the sun. Not found naturally in the UK and is banned in Liverpool.
Economic boom:
We just blew up the economy.
Flattening the curve:
Recommended exercise regime for the ‘horizontally challenged'. Boris’ silhouette following his brush with Covid.
Herd immunity:
The combination of hygge and authoritarianism that Swedes excel at.
Imperviousness to reason, particularly when applied to politicians.
A state in which millionaires, the professional classes and violent protestors thrive, bugger the rest. A golden age for freeloaders and jobsworths.
A face covering that makes us indistinguishable from criminals. A signal of being right-on politically.
How we’re all working, communicating and feeling.
Rounding the curve:
A euphemism for disappearing over the horizon.
‘R0’ number:
The number of friends who are still prepared to meet you.
Second wave:
Saying goodbye again; the first time to your prospects, the second time to your children’s prospects.
Social distancing:
The distance at which we feel comfortable before someone intrudes into our personal space. Varies by culture. In Britain, this is roughly the distance between our front door and the hedge or wall.
A joke about looking for a black cat in a dark room, especially if the cat’s not there.
A literal one-metre rule to measure correct social distancing of 2 metres. The correct usage is to press it against your body, spin around to face anyone approaching, and thrust out your arm in said person’s direction. Failure to make contact means they get off with a warning.
A technology that paradoxically makes you further apart while claiming to bring you together.
Wikipedea, The Cambridge English Dictionary, The Urban Dictionary, Wiktionary, Lexico, Oxford English Dictionary, Word Hippo, Oxford Learners Dictionary, and my insane sense of humour.