Thursday, 20 November 2014

Danger knot benders at work

I love the history and artistry of the knot benders work. The skill and craftsmanship are second to non.  I even have a few small examples of their skills on the boat. I have been giving some thought for quite a long time about getting a length of rope and having a go at the hangman's noose. But the junior deck officer on board Rosie does not want to play along!

Well the autumn has arrived - the promised late Indian summer seems to have gone away. The wind and rain have beset the canals for the last few days. Yet, autumn for a camera freak offers some wonderful opportunities for grabbing a few interesting photographs. So while there is still enough sap to hold the leaves a little longer. In a few days the wind will strip the leaves back once more, heralding in the impending winter.

A cruise along the Trent and Mersey was needed to give us a break away from mourning the loss of our precious little dog Abbey.  

Abbey was a real character who along with our other dog Poppy, became the center point that our whole retirement life afloat revolved around.  

It was good to be out and moving once more. We bumped into a couple of friends who we last saw in 2012. Geoff and Mags on board Nb Sayella  who we first met at on the Selby Canal while on our cruise up the river Ouse to Ripon.

The Rose of Arden blog has reached another milestone: This is the 2000th posting, in just under 5 years. 

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