Friday, 30 May 2014

Spring Summer Cruise 2014 ❷❶

Bardney Lock VM to Lincoln VM.

Overnight the weather was overcast but dry. The promised heavy rain had failed to arrive. The wind had picked up and was quite blustery first thing.

Morning: Up early, for a shower and then under way by 7:30. after a couple of hours we all came to a stop at Washingborough visitor moorings for breakfast. Our small convoy of boats has been pushing against the water run off. We noted while moored that the flow was quite variable. sometimes pulling quite strong and then a bit later it would be almost at a stop. We set off again heading for Lincoln and to reconnoitre for moorings.

Afternoon: We arrived at Stamp End Lock and there was a strong current through the sluices. The colour light signals were flashing red - proceed no further. We manouvered the boats into the lock. We soon had the lock flooded as the colour light changed to red - proceed with caution. The guillotine gate raised about a foot and stopped. All the power indication on the panel had disappeared.  Time to phone CaRT after four calls and two hours sat in the lock an electrician arrived on scene. He managed to raise the guillotine to free us to continue our journey. He agreed to wait for the next two boats if he could not fix the problem to pass them through the lock manually. 

The sluice: During our extended if unintentional stay at the Stamp End Lock we were able to observed that the sluice was busy controlling the water and seems to pass through an hourly cycle. For about 20 mins - the colour light on the lock was on green and there was a small flow through the sluice. Then the colour light changed to red for about 20 mins. The amount of water passing the sluice was then quite significant. Then for the next 20 mins the colour light changed to flashing red - do not proceed. The amount of water was substantially increased and a huge vortex appeared in-front of the sluice gate. Empty plastic bottles were being drawn down into the vortex never to be seen again! A bit like a black hole.

Evening: We arrived in Lincoln and had to push hard against the flow of water through the bottle neck of the glory hole. (the sluice must have been on maximum flow) We pushed on through the centre and arrived at the university visitor moorings in time to fill a space vacated by a boat who was just leaving. An hour later the rest of the flotilla arrived and we enjoyed a shared evening meal.

Lincoln Boat Club: Lincoln has a well kept secret - its the Lincoln Boat Club. One eagle eyed member of our small flotilla had spotted the small building next door to the sea cadets. Entrance is via a small black door in the side wall. However, once inside it was a nice cosy clubhouse and pleasant bar area. We all signed in the visitors book and then settled down again for a pleasant convivial evening. A wide selection of the extended range of bottled beer and wine was duly checked, sampled and passed as fit for boaters consumption, the consumption then began in earnest. The Chairlady introduced herself and made us all feel very welcome. Towards the end of our stay the barman and Commodore also introduced himself. We discovered a bit of the history of the club. As we left we were invited to come again any-time. There is the rub - because the members prefer to be out boating - so the club is only open on Friday evenings from 8pm until 11pm.


Birds: Common Tern, Arctic Tern, Sedge Warbler, Swallow, House Martin, Mallard, Coot, Waterhen, Great Crested Grebe, Grey Heron, Kestrel, Carrion Crow, Rook, Magpie, Starling, Blackbird, Thrush, Mute Swan, Lapwing, Skylark, House Sparrow and Robin the highlight being a Barn Owl.

Butterflies: included Meadow Brown and Orange Tip 
Dragonflies: Banded Demoiselle.
Today's Total.
Miles: 9.2
Locks: 1
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 9.2
Solar Panels: 228 Ah
Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1800.9
Locks: 1129
Swing / Lift Bridges: 295
Tunnels: 26
Pump Outs: 19
Engine Hours: 2817.4
Solar Panels:
14563 Ah

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