Saturday, 13 April 2013

International Dawn Chorus Day

Birds can and do sing at all times of year. However, on bright, mild days towards the end of winter, the intensity and number of birds singing increases. This is triggered by changing day length at the beginning of spring and the start of the breeding season for most bird species. The majority of birds singing are actually males. Bird song has evolved as a mechanism to maintain territories and attract females.

International Dawn Chorus Day (5th May 2013) is the worldwide celebration of Nature's daily Miracle. This year there will be more opportunities than ever to join in. In the run up to the event. Organised events from all over the world and across the UK will be listed on this website, so visit us to see what's planned in your area. Click Here IDCD Select your location from the list and enjoy a guided walk with an expert on birdsong and identification. It is an amazing and uplifting experience. 

NOTE: The events in your area might take place on a different day to the International Dawn Chorus Day.

When the first gleam of light pierces the darkness a solo bird will begin to sing, awakening others to the dawn and soon the air will be filled with the beautiful sound of birdsong. It's a feat only nature could achieve and to truly appreciate this magnificent spectacle it's well-worth setting your alarm early.

I will be attending at the RSPB's Old Moor Nature Reserve in South Yorkshire. Usually led by my old birding friend and RSPB reserve warden Dave Waddington. A wonderful early morning walk around the wetlands reserve to experience bird song at its best. hear one of the most stunning and moving performances of the natural calendar. Here in the UK, you can enjoy the Dawn Chorus from as early as 4am. For simple appreciation, all you have to do is open your side hatch, breathe in the spring air and just listen.

Event Information

Start Time4.30
End Time6.00
LocationRSPB Old Moor, Barnsley, South Yorkshire
Admission£10 non-members £6 members
BreakfastBreakfast will be served in the Gannets Cafe and is included in the entry fee.
Suitable for childrenYes
ContactRichard Moriarty
Telephone01226 751593
Additional InformationSuitable for adults and older children.

International Dawn Chorus Day is organised by The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country, and was the brainchild of its Vice President, the writer and environmentalist, Professor Chris Baines.

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