Monday, 1 April 2013

Elf Anne Safety. April

Elf Anne Safety.
These days it seems even the safest of occupations are a minefield of hidden hazards. No job today goes without a long list of rules and regulations. So let me introduce you to guest blogger Elf Anne Safety who will be bring you from time to time, a few snippets of the latest Elf news and Elf safety guidance from around the UK.

If you happen to come across any suitable items for inclusion please leave a comment on the blog.

April Safety Tip - always get a work colleague to help

A vending machine company sought to secure a contract to carry out maintenance upon on site coffee machines. They failed the builders risk assessment process because all their health and safety training is run in house and the building contractor's assessment only recognises accredited training. There is no known accredited course anywhere in the world for repairing vending machines on a building site!

Volunteers had offered to cut back an overgrown public footpath and asked the borough council if it could provide some tools for them to do the job. The council turned down the offer on the grounds of health and safety. The tools were a sweeping brush and a wheeled council dustbin!

Concert-goers were banned from taking umbrellas into an outdoor JLS concert - because they posed a health and safety risk. One concert goer said "If umbrellas really were a health and safety risk they would need to be banned in busy high streets and the like."

A Museum cafeteria refused to serve a five year old a dippy (soft-boiled) egg on the grounds of "Health and Safety".

A complainant to HSA had been advised that he is not allowed to eat fruit and vegetables at his desk at work due to health and safety reasons. Throwing the cores and peels away in the rubbish bins by the desks is the main health and safety issue.

The organisers of a "Pet Show" had asked visitors not to bring their pets with them, for health and safety reasons.

The waiter in a restaurant refused to provide a doggy bag for a customer to take leftover food home for their dog on health and safety grounds.

A local council is replacing tables, chairs and the carpet in its debating chamber and they say it is because of health and safety reasons. Residents are concerned about the costs involved.

A children's nursery has told parents that it is policy not to allow parents to bring in home-made or shop bought cake to the nursery because of children's allergies etc. The policy states that "this is in line with health and safety regulations."

A local council is concerned about the impact on their public liability insurance by letting clean up volunteers maintain some of their public garden areas. The council are quoted as saying the volunteer group have to have their own public liability insurance cover in place for health and safety reasons.


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