Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Big One (25-6)

Tuesday the 2nd of October 2012

Barnby Dun Lift Bridge.

An early call for us at 07:45 when the Humber Princess carrying a cargo of oil bound for Rotherham passed us. Poppy was growling about half an hour before they arrived. The boat started gently straining against her ropes about a quarter of an hour before they arrived at the swing bridge. It was a similar tale after they left we could still feel the effects of her passage for quite some time afterwards.

A few other boats passed through the lift bridge today, but for the most part there has been little movement.  Now we are expecting the Humber Princess to pass us going the other way later tonight. Today is a day for reading the Kindle as the rain runs down the windows. The wind turned very chilly as the light faded.

Wildlife: A few bats observed on the canal tonight. The same as last night made up of Pipistrelles and Daubenton's bats.

This Weeks Solar Panel Data.
Average 25.0 Ah per day  High 44Ah Low 16Ah

I have created a poll that will run between now and the 1st of January 2013. It's not very scientific. Its a simple question "Will CART Succeed". You have three choices Yes, Unsure and No. Now you can vote for one of the three choices. If you change your mind before the poll closing date. You can come back and change your vote. (I wish we could do that for politicians) You will find the poll option on the right hand side just below the members pictures.

Daily Total
Miles: 0.0
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels: 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 0.0

Accumulated Totals
Miles: 1292.1
Locks: 867
Swing / Lift Bridges: 167
Tunnels. 22
Pump Outs: 14
Engine Hours: 2458.1

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