Being a grumpy old curmudgeon I initially found that the ongoing continuous cruisers (or CART's derogatory "Continuous Moorers" description) -v- CART to be something of a questionable activity. I thought CART were a charity and as such out to woo the public and boaters into supporting a national treasure. A treasure with a history of kick starting the industrial revolution and the changes this brought to the whole world. However, it seems that I was mistaken on all my presumptions.

I expect what I call the "CARTgate" saga will have legs and run and run for a long time to come. So much time will be spent in posture and counter posture before developing into any chance of a real confrontation.
I am going to offer for sale a notional gallery chair with cuddly toy and a notional world record sized popcorn pack. So we can all sit in comfort as we watch the whole tawdry spectacle of CARTgate unfold.
I am going to offer for sale a notional gallery chair with cuddly toy and a notional world record sized popcorn pack. So we can all sit in comfort as we watch the whole tawdry spectacle of CARTgate unfold.

CART rather than giving the typical French gallic shrug of the shoulders. Then in a voice like Officer Crabtree from ello ello saying "what is today's news mon ami (on a small boating website) is tomorrow's pomme de frites paper." Typically, CART has however, taken careful aim and shot themselves in the foot.

Pamela Smith, the owner of the KANDA website who has my complete admiration for standing her ground. Pamela has confirmed that she will now make a complaint to the police under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 (section 2).
This is a self inflicted public relations "coup de grace" of epic proportions by the CART charity. I wonder what the members of CART Council think of the unravelling debacle - we should be told. But only when the embarrassment has subsided.
However,here is the rub. Can CART front it by holding up their hands and saying "We were wrong". Personally I don't think there is a set of gonads big enough to take that decision. Because it would mean that CART Management would have to acknowledge that CARTgate is a mess entirely of their own making.
However,here is the rub. Can CART front it by holding up their hands and saying "We were wrong". Personally I don't think there is a set of gonads big enough to take that decision. Because it would mean that CART Management would have to acknowledge that CARTgate is a mess entirely of their own making.
Round One: Read Here
Popcorn get your popcorn!
I have created a poll that will run between now and the 1st of January 2013. It's not very scientific. Its a simple question "Will CART Succeed". You have three choices Yes, Unsure and No. Now you can vote for one of the three choices. If you change your mind before the poll closing date. You can come back and change your vote. (I wish we could do that for politicians and the Independent IWA members on Council) You will find the poll option on the right hand side just below the members pictures.
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