Saturday, 6 October 2012

Android App FuelLog

OK, I admit it, I am a gadget loving freak. I should attend the nearest Gadge-a-holics anonymous meeting room. I just love technology and I am always looking for ways to use information gathered from gadgets to apply to our boating adventures. 

  • In a previous posting we looked at pointing the TV antenna for best performance for digital reception depending on your geographical location. Click Here to view.
  • In another previous Android apps posting, I did a bit on coastal tides and their effect upon rivers. Click Here to view.  When dealing with tidal rivers, it also pays to consider the weather and the amount of water flowing down stream.
  • In yet another previous Android apps posting, I did a bit on the weather apps for android smart phones. Click Here to view. 
  • In yet another previous Android apps posting I thought I would look at the "need for speed" and slowing down after life spent in a layby watching those in the fast lane go by! Click Here to view.

This time, I thought what's the biggest outlay on the boat. Boats have been described as a hole in the water into which you throw money. So, I thought how can we track such costs. It was soon obvious that much of what I wanted to track was done with Android Apps provided for road going vehicles such as cars!

I wanted to track and log:-

  • Boat Mileage and engine hours.
  • Fuel consumption costs
  • Boat maintenance costs
  • Engine service costs

The android app FuelLog calculates a lot of useful statistics like fuel consumption and economy for road vehicles. With FuelLog everything is managed in a nice-looking and very easy to use interface. FuelLog is probably the only app that supports vehicles such as a boat with an engine hour meter!

FuelLog supports and converts between Kilometre and Miles as well as Litres and Gallons.

The stored information can be exported as a csv file for further calculations on your computer or just to be saved as a backup on your phones sdcard. The user interface is very easy to use, intuitive, clear and simple and informative.


  • Tracking fuel fill ups
  • Tracking maintenances (limited to 15 entries in the free version)
  • Tracking  service costs
  • Multiple vehicles supported (unlimited in FuelLogPro)
  • Total odometer reading or trip mileage input
There are two versions of the application. FuelLog and FuelLogPro One is a free and the other a paid for version. I am still playing around with the free one but it looks like I shall be investing in the paid for version that supports many more functions. Plus I can also use it with our motorcycles and cars! That's Nirvana for a gadget freak!

I have created a poll that will run between now and the 1st of January 2013. It's not very scientific. Its a simple question "Will CART Succeed". You have three choices Yes, Unsure and No. Now you can vote for one of the three choices. If you change your mind before the poll closing date. You can come back and change your vote. (I wish we could do that for politicians) You will find the poll option on the right hand side just below the members pictures.


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