Tuesday 3 January 2012

The power of the Mobile Phone.

I am a straightforward outspoken sort of a cove. I have friends of many different racial backgrounds. I hate racism of any kind with a passion. There are times when one must take a stand against the racists in our midst. This is one of them.

uTube link Emma West is white and English as she loudly proclaims. However, she is not representative of anyone in this country with more than a few brain cells. Emma West is an evil mouthed racist, she is disgusting, offensive and not a fit person to be left in charge of the upbringing of a child. Social Services need to be made aware of her personality.

I am amazed at the level of control that was exercised by the people that she targeted, intimidated and abused. They are to be congratulated on their self control. I'm not sure that I could have been so self restrained. 

West appeared at Croydon Magistrates’ Court charged with two racially aggravated public order offences, one with intent to cause fear or provocation of violence. I do hope the courts make an example of her and let it serve as a warning to others of her ilk.

I have long been opposed to on street cameras, I find them to be to obtrusive into our lives. However, the Mobile Phone and uTube is a strong element in curtailing the accesses of violent and abusive people. It is starting to become a power for good.


1 comment:

  1. I saw this a month ago and was amazed that she wasnt attacked. However denying her her own opinion however virulent it may be, is tantamount to fascism which itself is no worse than racism, because racism includes fascism includes racism.

    My personal experience is that racism is more prevelant in darker skin than white skin. One only has to travel th Arab peninsular and the Indian sub continent to see this.

    My personal opinion is whatever your colour I will like you until you piss me off. Then I dont care if you are a purple barbie doll I will take you off my christmas card list and call you all the scabby purple bastards under the sun.

    n.b. Fascism includes censorship.


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