I know that today is 'International Women's Day' and I think I understand the reason behind such a day. My experience covers living in a small island nation. International Women's Day took off in the early part of the last century as women in Europe and the US campaigned for the right to vote. We now revere and recognise the roles played by some key people (Pankhurst) in the emancipation of women. Looking around I think that we have come a long way, but there is still some way to go. One of the best managers I ever worked with was female. But I always sensed that she still felt the need to demonstrate that she was a better manager than those around her. The reality was that her male compatriots all knew she was the most able individual within the group.
But we are now living in a World where males make up just under half of the global population. However, (about 83% of men) are making up a disproportionate number
of all those in power. So there is an obvious inequality in opportunity. Women have started to organise again and feminism is enjoying something of a resurgence. The reason for this is because sexual discrimination is practised in many places around the world. There are many countries that do not guarantee women's equality rights. In some countries women cannot own property in other countries women are not entitled to drive cars.
Why do we need an International Women's Day? Because it's
international men's day every other day of the year.
Happy International Women's Day.
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