Sunday, 11 August 2013

Summer Cruise 2013 (20)


Even more rain fell overnight and the sky was still overcast by dawn. It looked to be a miserable sort of day. But someone somewhere must have done a dance for the sun god as the day improved after dinner.

Morning: Moved a short distance along the canal to get a television picture. A few more small running repairs in the morning. The electrical fix yesterday seems to have cured our problems.

Afternoon:  It's Sunday and it's not a school day, in fact as its the holidays, there are a large number of people walking around in Skipton. We went shopping in Morrisons supermarket I was invited to attend as the nominated spanish donkey for carrying the bags. As we crossed the road to make our way back to Rosie. I spotted a rucksack leaning up against some steps. 

There seemed to be no one interested or associated with the rucksack. I did a quick estimation and thought Skipton was unlikely to come in the first million choices on a bombers target list. So I had a quick peek inside the bag. There was a laptop, a sling,  an earpiece plus a tin of lynx deodorant for effect.

We took the bag and its contents back to the boat. I put the laptop on charge and up came the login name Bazz. So Bazz, if you are reading this. If you can describe the colour of the bag, the type of laptop and the colour of the earpiece. Plus you know the password for the laptop. You can call into Skipton police station and collect it. Then I suggest, you write your name and a telephone number on the inside of your bag and you stick the same details on a small label and stick it on the laptop battery. That way we could have given Bazz a buzz. I hope you get a buzz from getting your laptop back Bazz!

Evening: The usual relaxation after a visit to Busy Lizzy in Skipton for Fish and Chips.

Wildlife: Mallards, Domestic and mallard cross domestic.

Todays Total.
Miles: 0.1
Locks: 0
Swing / Lift Bridges: 1
Tunnels. 0
Pump Outs: 0
Engine Hours: 1.0
Solar Panels: 51 Ah

Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1528.2
Locks: 1023
Swing / Lift Bridges:204
Tunnels. 26
Pump Outs: 15
Engine Hours: 2656.7
Solar Panels: 10058 Ah

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