Friday, 9 August 2013

Summer Cruise 2013 (18)

Salterforth to Bank Newton top lock

Quite a bit of rain fell overnight and the sky was still overcast by dawn. It did not look good for the rest of the day. However, the sun was out through broken cloud. Though the wind was picking up and making steering difficult.

Morning: A short run to the lower park boat yard where we took on 76 Litres of diesel. We also did a pump out of the black water tank. 

Afternoon: Steady cruise looking for a place to moor up. Found a good spot on the armco just before Bank Newton top lock. We were joined by two boats Nb Hazel (Karen) and Nb (Charlie) who use this as a regular weekend stop over spot. This is a good spot for the dogs. easy access on and off the boat. They were having a great time chasing each other about. Both of them slept through the night!

Evening: A stunning sunset as a weather front was skirting by without passing over us. At sunset the temperature nose dived and everyone disappeared indoors.

Wildlife: Canadian Goose with an unreadable red ring - Mags rescued a bee from the lock!

Todays Total.
Miles: 7.2
Locks: 3
Swing / Lift Bridges: 0
Tunnels. 0
Pump Outs: 1
Engine Hours: 3.0
Solar Panels: 42 Ah

Accumulated Total.
Miles: 1528.1
Locks: 1023
Swing / Lift Bridges:203
Tunnels. 26
Pump Outs: 15
Engine Hours: 2648.8
Solar Panels: 9980 Ah

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